As can be seen from Figure 2 above, Army trained strength (FTTS) and Army trade trained strength (FTTTS) has been increasing since April 2020. Personnel and career management are critical to a well-trained U.S. Army Reserve (USAR). Telephone: 030 6798 4423. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. The SDSR 2015 Defence Key Facts booklet announced new targets for 2020 for each of the Services. Applications to the RN/RM Regular Forces in the 12 months to 30 September 2021 were 27,460, a decrease of 15.3 per cent compared to the 12 months to 30 September 2020 (32,414). * 62.2% of RA and 64.2% of AR recruits scored above a 50 on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (the Department of Defense mandates no less than 60%) Geography About 50% of RA recruits come from. In the 12 months to 31 March 2021 there was a net intake of 3,960 personnel to the UK Regular Forces. The Army Reserve total Intake rate was 14.1 per cent; an increase of 2.1 percentage points since the 12 months to 1 January 2021. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. Following this, the term Trained Strength would include all Army personnel Trained in the core function of their Service (i.e. Applications that do not result in Intake. Corrections which would have a significant impact on the utility of the statistics will be corrected as soon as possible, by reissuing the publication. Over the same period, applications to the Volunteer Reserves have increased by 10.9%, from 2,744 in the 12 months to 31 December 2019 to 3,042 in the 12 months to 31 December 2020. Personnel completing Phase 2 training in the 12 months to 31 March 2021 was 11,640. SDSR 2015 outlined plans to uplift the size of the Regular Armed Forces, setting targets for a strength of 82,000 for the Army, and increasing the Royal Navy/Royal Marines and Royal Air Force by a total of 700 personnel. There is no single reason why personnel leave on Voluntary Outflow, but the personnel who completed the Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey indicated reasons for leaving the Armed Forces included the impact of Service life on family and personal life and opportunities outside the Armed Forces. Subscribe to the weekly Policy Currents newsletter to receive updates on the issues that matter most. An assessment of current and future threats to UK national security; The need for contingent / reactive capability the requirement to be able to respond immediately to domestic or international crisis; Current operational and international obligations (e.g. Separated Service concerns personnel who are serving away from their usual place of duty or are unable to enjoy leisure at their place of duty or residence at place of duty. As can be seen from Figure 2 above, Army Trained strength (FTTS) saw an increase between 1 April 2019 and 1 October 2021, but decreased between 1 October 2021 and 1 January 2022. Applications to the British Army Regular Forces in the 12 months to 31 December 2020 were 105,019, an increase of 5.1% compared to the 12 months to 31 December 2019 (99,888). In the 12 months to 31 December 2021 there was a net intake of 980 personnel to the UK Regular Forces. This statistical release presents information relating to the gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion and age of Military Personnel employed by the Ministry of Defence (MOD). This population aligns with the old definition of trained personnel, therefore maintaining the continuity of the statistical time series, and will continue to be counted against the workforce requirement. The RAND Corporation is a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous. The MOD held a public consultation on SDSR Resilience: Trained strength definition for the Army and resultant changes to Ministry of Defence Armed Forces personnel statistics, between 11 July and 21 January 2017. Detailed statistics, including unrounded figures, and historic time series can be found in the Excel tables. Since 1 January 2021, the strength of the Trained and Trade Trained Officers has increased by 0.5 per cent and 0.4 per cent respectively. This is an increase of 20 (0.7 per cent) since 1 January 2021. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. On 1 April 2022 there were 16,680 women in the UK Regular Forces who accounted for 11.3% of the total trained and untrained strength. Detail is provided for both the Full-time Armed Forces (AF) and Reserves. Detailed statistics, including unrounded figures, and historic time series can be found in the Excel tables. Figure 15: Applications to the RAF split by UK Regular Forces and Volunteer Reserves. This has affected tables 1 and 6a. The analysis also covers changes in military personnel policies made during the COVID-19 pandemic. Telephone: 023 9262 8738, Email: The military also employed 743,000 civilians. How can the UK and U.S. armed forces remove barriers to inclusion and attract more diverse workforces? This is higher than the net intake of 890 in the 12 months to 31 March 2020. Table 5: UK Regular Forces by Service and Training Status. The Reserve Forces 2030 (RF30) Review does not include a target for additional personnel numbers beyond those in the Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) programme. The total Trained and Untrained Strength of the Tri-Service Future Reserves 2020 at 1 April 2021 was 37,410, an increase of 400 personnel or 1.1 per cent since 1 April 2020. All corrected figures will be identified by the symbol r, and an explanation will be given of the reason for and size of the revision. This is an increase of 100 personnel (3.0 per cent) since 1 April 2020. Count the number of Trained/Trade Trained UK Regular personnel breaching in the 36 months ending to 31 Mar 2020, Divide this by the Trained UK Regular strength as at 1 Apr 2020. The Army Trained and Trade Trained Strength at 1 January 2022 is higher than at 1 January 2021 by 1.3 per cent and 1.4 per cent respectively. Gains to Trained Strength (GTS) figures comprise all Regular personnel who complete Phase 2 training and those that enter directly into the Phase 2 trained strength. Jan 18, 2022 Essay However, the Ministry of Defences recruitment campaign is a long-term programme and numbers continue to grow. Attracting qualified recruits and the costs associated with essential skills training make military recruitment an ongoing challenge; low recruitment affects, among other things, enlistee counts, unit readiness, and morale. Military is struggling to meet its fiscal year 2022 recruiting goals, say multiple u.s. Armed forces 2022 show all statistics (17) Total military personnel of the u.s. Her areas of study include labor economics and defense manpower. The main factors affecting decisions about the size of the Armed Forces required by the MOD to achieve success in its military tasks include: The Service Personnel Statistics in previous versions of this publication are reported against the 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR), released in November 2015. The figures in this publication include applications to the UK Regular and Volunteer Reserve Forces. As a result of the changes to Army Trained Strength (referred to above) and their impact on the Army Reserve, the MOD released a Written Ministerial Statement containing revised Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) strength growth profiles on 8 November 2016. Separated service data can be found in Table 10 of the accompanying, Excel tables. Reporting of the growth of the Reserves will be based on Trained Strength profiles only. You can change your cookie settings at any time. If you have any comments or questions about this publication or about our statistics in general, you can contact us as follows: Responsible statistician: Analysis Tri-Service These applicants will then be withdrawn from the pipeline but the application number will still be counted in the overall volume of applications received. Detail is provided for both the Full-time Armed Forces (AF) and Reserves. In Table 3d there has been revisions to Additional Workforce Requirement and Surplus/Deficit for Royal Air Force from 1 April 2013 to 1 January 2021. The MOD has consulted on these changes and the resultant impact they will have on this publication and a consultation response was published on 7 October 2016. Greater attention to these risks may become increasingly important as refugee flows from Afghanistan continue. We await the outcome of the Integrated Review and Spending Review to determine if there will be any new targets for Full-time AF personnel which would be included in future publications. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. It excludes those returning to the Phase 2 Trained strength from Long Term Absence (LTA). The public fiasco with the. The RAF Reserves total strength as at 1 April 2020 was 3,200. Email: These include quarterly statistics on the number of Service and Civilian Personnel, Separated Service (the proportion of personnel breaching harmony guidelines), Applications to each of the Services and Military Salaries. Gains to Trained Strength and Trained Outflow Therefore, the Intake figures for Dec 19 are not comparable with the number of applications received in Dec 19 as the numbers apply to different cohorts of people; Applications will not result in Intake if, for example, they are withdrawn by the applicant during the recruitment process, rejected by the Services, or if an offer to join the Services is declined by the applicant. So if 100 people apply for a job and you hire 10, your selection ratio is 10:1. For example; a value of 25 would be rounded down to 20 and a value of 15 would be rounded up to 20. the applicant declines an offer to join): NOTE: Application numbers cannot be added together across the Services to show total Armed Forces applications due to differences in definitions. Whilst application counts for each service are based on online applications submitted by an individual and accepted by Defence Recruitment System (DRS), work is ongoing to verify that application processes and definitions are consistent and we would recommend that numbers should not be aggregated to show Armed Forces totals (hence separate tables and graphs are provided). Source: The us spent $51.1 billion on foreign aid in 2020, a 4.7% increase following four consecutive years of decline. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. only been higher than outflow in six years. The Maritime Reserve total strength as at 1 April 2021 was 4,080. Following consultation on changes to the Army Trained Strength definition and the removal of the FR20 intake targets, the MOD released Future Reserves 2020 Trained Strength growth profiles in a Written Ministerial Statement on 8 November 2016. Air Force Special Warfare warrants specialized assessment and selection of future operators. In Table 1 and 2a there has been a revision to the number of Navy Serving Regular Reserve ADC personnel as at 1 October 2013 due to an inputting error. Separated service data can be found in Table 10 of the accompanying, [InlineAttachment:1]. U.S. military size for 2019 was 1,388,000.00, a 0.59% increase from 2018. Right now, military recruiting statistics are looking pretty shabby. Over the same period, applications to the Volunteer Reserves have decreased by 19.5 per cent, from 3,026 in the 12 months to 30 September 2020 to 2,436 in the 12 months to 30 September 2021. The commonwealth entry numbers are closely controlled. This report summarizes and develops utility functions for a series of behavioral and social science studies to help senior leaders translate the research results into estimates of cost avoidance or other desired benefits. Since 1 April 2020, the total strength of the UK Regular Forces, Gurkhas and Other Personnel have all increased. They can be utilised on a part-time or full-time basis to provide support to the Regular Forces at home and overseas. those who have completed Phase 1 training). Here's how it breaks down: U.S. Navy recruiting in 2021: 33,559 U.S. Army recruiting in 2021: 57,606 Army National Guard: 42,957 While these numbers might look promising, they've been falling in recent years. This change enabled the Army to meet the SDSR 15 commitment to improve support to UK resilience. This is mainly driven by a gradual decline in outflow which has decreased by 20.4 per cent since 31 March 2020. The recent trends in Reserve personnel numbers in this report relate to the targets outlined in the Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) programme. In the 12 months to 31 December 2021, 5,670 Trained (RN/RM & RAF) and Trade Trained (Army) personnel left through VO; the VO rate was 4.3 per cent. To fill the gap, the Army is offering. To succeed, Moscow will have to replenish personnel and equipment at scaletasks that will prove extremely difficult. The difference between the two is measured as either a surplus or deficit. All UK Regular personnel and all Gurkha personnel (which combined at 1 January 2022 comprised 77.2 per cent of UK Service Personnel); Volunteer Reserve personnel (which at 1 January 2022 comprised 18.6 per cent of UK Service Personnel); Other Personnel including the Serving Regular Reserve, Sponsored Reserve, Military Provost Guard Service, Locally Engaged Personnel and elements of the Full-time Reserve Service (which at 1 January 2022 comprised 4.2 per cent of UK Service Personnel). For more information, see: Telephone: 01494 496822, Email: Corrections to the published statistics will be made if errors are found, or if figures change as a result of improvements to methodology or changes to definitions. VO Rate is the number of personnel voluntarily outflowing as a proportion of the average Trained Strength for the outflow period. Several U.S. Army resources and policies work together to produce recruits. Figures from 12 months ending 30 June 2019 onwards define an application as an online application submitted by an individual and accepted by Defence Recruitment System (DRS). The Maritime Reserve total Outflow rate was 19.1 per cent; an increase of 1.3 percentage points since the 12 months to 1 January 2021. Figure 3: Intake to and Outflow from the UK Regular Forces over rolling 12-month periods. Telephone: 030 6798 4423. As of late June, it had recruited only about 40 percent of the roughly 57,000 new soldiers it wants to put in boots by Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year. When making corrections, we will follow the Ministry of Defence Statistics Revisions and Corrections Policy. The UK Armed Forces could take a more-strategic approach to leveraging diversity to elevate it as a strategic enabler of military fighting power in the contemporary threat environment. There are 10,560 untrained personnel in the UK Regular Forces (excluding Gurkhas), of which 4,510 are in the RN/RM, 2,620 in the Army and 3,420 are in the RAF. Bruce R. Orvis is a senior behavioral scientist at the RAND Corporation and member of the Pardee RAND Graduate School faculty. The total strength of the UK Forces has increased between 1 April 2020 and 1 April 2021 by 2.5 per cent (4,900 personnel), as shown in Table 1. Sponsored Reserves who provide a more cost effective solution than Volunteer Reserves are also included in the Army Reserve FR20. Compared to the 12 months to 31 March 2020, Gains to Trained Strength for the, In comparison to the 12 months ending 31 March 2020, Trained outflow from the. This has remained stable since 1 January 2021. The military estimates that among those who are eligible, a mere 9% have a "propensity" to serve, the lowest since 2007, during the height of the Iraq War. The total Intake rates for each Service in the 12 months to 1 January 2022 are as follows: The total Outflow rates for each Service in the 12 months to 1 January 2022 are as follows: Separated Service concerns personnel who are serving away from their usual place of duty or are unable to enjoy leisure at their normal place of duty or residence at place of duty. Designation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics: Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed. They can be utilised on a part-time or full-time basis to provide support to the Regular Forces at home and overseas. The RAF Reserves total strength as at 1 April 2021 was 3,300. The time an individual experiences separated service is compared against each Services Individual Harmony guidelines to ensure a balance between duty and leisure for all Service personnel. This does not affect the Naval Service or the RAF in any way. UK Forces comprises all UK Regular, Gurkha, Volunteer Reserve and Other personnel. These include quarterly statistics on the number of Service and Civilian Personnel, Separated Service (the proportion of personnel breaching harmony guidelines), Applications to each of the Services and Military Salaries. The Army Reserve total Outflow rate was 15.3 per cent; an increase of 3.3 percentage points since the 12 months to 1 January 2021. Compared to the 12 months to 31 December 2020, in the 12 months to 31 December 2021 there is an increase to the Gains to Trained Strength for the, In comparison to the 12 months ending 31 December 2020, Trained Outflow from the. Over the same period, applications to the Volunteer Reserves have decreased by 17.6 per cent, from 4,660 in the 12 months to 30 September 2020 to 3,838 in the 12 months to 30 September 2021. The number of applications received does not directly relate to intake figures, since: Therefore the figures presented here are not comparable with the figures up until 12 months ending 30 September 2017 presented in previous SPS publications. Gains to Trained Strength and Trained Outflow Percentages are calculated from unrounded data and presented to one decimal place. Following this, progress against FR20 population Trained Strength targets are reported in Table 6a of the Excel tables. Recruits enter a binding contract of service, which for full-time personnel typically requires a minimum period of service of several years, with the exception of a short discharge window, near the beginning of their service, allowing them to leave the armed force as of right. Telephone: 023 9262 8738, Email: The changes outlined in the consultation and response have been incorporated into this publication from the 1 October 2016 edition onwards. In Table 13, small revisions have also been made to April points in years 2012 and 2016-2020 of less than 5 to the amount of civilian personnel. These are: redefining the Reserves relationship with society; expanding the role of the Reserves; unlocking the potential of reservists; and transforming support to the Reserves. NATO, UN). The percentage breaching harmony for RN/RM has increased slightly since the previous quarter. Figure 14: Applications to the Army split by UK Regular Forces and Volunteer Reserves. Voluntary Outflow (VO) encompasses all Trained (RN/RM & RAF) and Trade Trained (Army) personnel who voluntarily exit before the end of their agreed engagement or commission period. Future Reserves 2020 includes Volunteer Reserves who are mobilised, High Readiness Reserves and those Volunteer Reserves serving on Full-time Reserve Service (FTRS) and Additional Duties Commitment (ADC). Figure 13: Applications to the RN/RM split by UK Regular Forces and Volunteer Reserves. Military Statistics By Gender 27.4% of militaries are women and 72.6% of militaries are men. The Russian armed forces have suffered tens of thousands of casualties and lost more than 5,000 pieces of equipment. Ministry of Defence, Main Building News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. The Untrained Strength reflects the number of personnel who can potentially join the Trained Strength. The MOD Disclosure Control and Rounding policy is published on GOV.UK and we have applied this policy to the statistics in the accompanying Excel tables. Volunteer Reserve personnel (which at 1 April 2021 comprised 18.8 per cent of UK Service Personnel). Applications may be refused if no commonwealth headroom is available. The policy is available here: RAND researchers examined the potential for recruiting individuals older than 21 and derived actionable recommendations. You have rejected additional cookies. In the 12 months to 31 December 2021, the VO rate amongst Other Ranks and Officers was 4.4 per cent and 3.6 per cent respectively. This Perspective compares and contrasts the current goal-setting process for U.S. Department of the Air Force recruiters with a more comprehensive one that accounts for factors influencing contract production. The main causes of applicant failure (i.e. Prior to SDSR 2015, publications reported against the planned Future Force 2020, as set out in the SDSR 2010 which planned to reduce the size of the Armed Forces. She has led numerous studies on compensation design in the military and in the federal civil service, on the workforce implications of state and local pension reform, and on. In the 12 months to 31 December 2021, Intake to the. Telephone: 030 6793 4531, Email: Minor errors will also be corrected, but for efficient use of resource these corrections may be timed to coincide with the next release of this quarterly publication. The MOD has consulted on these changes and the resultant impact they will have on this publication and a consultation response was published on 7 October 2016. The strength of Trained Other Ranks has increased by 1.4 per cent and the strength of Trade Trained Other Ranks has increased by 1.5 per cent since 1 January 2021, as can be seen from Table 4 above. The number of applications received does not directly relate to intake figures, since: There is a break in the time series between 1 October 2017 and 1 July 2018 due to the change in recruiting systems from the Training Administration and Financial Management Information System (TAFMIS) to DRS and due to the need to ensure consistency of the start date for reintroduced data between the single Services. The U.S. military spending is predicted to increase steadily until 2032, and estimates suggest that defense spending will reach nearly one trillion U.S. dollars by 2032. This publication contains information on the strength, intake, outflow and gains to trained strength for the UK Armed Forces overall and each of the Services; Royal Navy/Royal Marines (RN/RM), Army and Royal Air Force (RAF). Published by Statista Research Department , Jan 31, 2023 There were 482,416 active duty U.S. Army members in 2021. Sponsored Reserves who provide a more cost effective solution than Volunteer Reserves are also included in the Army Reserve FR20. Applications to the RAF Regular Forces in the 12 months to 31 December 2020 were 39,353, an increase of 23.0% compared to the 12 months to 31 December 2019 (31,992). Further information on the growth of the Reserves can be found in the Policy Background section of previous Monthly Service Personnel Statistics publications. This is a decrease of 750 (2.8 per cent) since 1 January 2021. The MOD held a public consultation on SDSR Resilience: Trained strength definition for the Army and resultant changes to Ministry of Defence Armed Forces personnel statistics, between 11 July and 21 January 2017. The Maritime Reserve total strength as at 1 January 2022 was 3,920. These figures are not comparable with the figures up until 12 months ending 30 September 2017, as the data is drawn from different databases and have differing definitions of an application. These deficits will make it hard for Russia to hold regions in Ukraine that it may soon try to annex. Around 9.6% of personnel (14,110) self-identified as belonging to a minority ethnic group (compared to an estimated 14.3% of the total UK population). Across all Services, VO was the most common reason for Outflow of Trained (RN/RM & RAF) and Trade Trained (Army) personnel, accounting for 56.8 per cent of Outflow in the 12 months to 31 December 2021 (See Figure 4). This has remained relatively stable since 1 April 2020. Soon try to annex any time looking pretty shabby percentage breaching harmony for RN/RM has increased slightly since the quarter... Enabled the Army Reserve ( USAR ) increase from 2018 enabled the Army Reserve FR20 on Strength! Member of the Reserves can be found in Table 10 of the RAND... 10, your selection ratio is 10:1 980 personnel to the RAF in any way, a 0.59 increase. Harmony for RN/RM has increased slightly since the previous quarter or share your address... 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