Can't remember if Raoden glowed less in Sarene's country. There is nothing more terrifying than the realization that one slip, one misstep or encounter with a powerful Cognitive being and one's life can be snuffed out like a candle in the wind. He is native to Scadrial, but hes been around for a while, and his motives are up in the air. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. On 27/04/2018 at 8:46 PM, king of nowhere said. Perhaps, someday, everyone will have access to the Cognitive Realm. The Final Empire was a pretty terrible place to be if you weren't nobility. I think it was Kelsier that told him about the cosmere and that his atium powers made him able to world travel. How and why, we do not know, but the mere fact that Demoux shows up intWoK proves there possibly is a way for him to get there without burning Atium. He is the leader of the grasshoppers and Flik's arch-nemesis. Attributes and AbilitiesEdit. There are around five in words of Radiance,,, Denizen of the Dark Alley, Head of R&D and Marketing. Someone: It's a space station? Characters from essentially every other world have shown up on Roshar, which means we have an extensive list to cover today! This may mean that Kell could permanently, via compounding, give Spook Feruchemical Atium. Aside from Awakening a sword to "Bring me to other worlds", it's hard to imagine using the manipulation of Spiritual aspects to cross vast distances of space. I wonder if we're ever gunna see any misting powers or aonDor on Roshar. Also how in the heck would he access shadesmar being just a seer? Many have stayed in the Cognitive Realm, coexisting with spren and developing towns, cities, and cultures. She of the fancy mask is descended from the Malwish, the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere on Scadrial. This is most fascinating because Shardpools are points on the various worlds where the raw power and Investiture of a Shard collects and condenses. Yeah, you have an excellent point. last i saw him was in the end of HoA with a broken leg. I've always thought that she's the reason he joined. Hrm, suffixes seem to be a purely male trait in Vorin culture among the lighteyes I can't think of any woman who has one, unless we count the "i" in Navani. They move and act, bound by their natures and intents. Ya, link was RAFO. When Kelsier came to inspect the caves it was Demoux who led him around. In The Hero of Ages, Demoux gets together with a woman named Aslydin. Since it is a realm dominated and created by thought, locations expand and contract based on how much thinking is going on. I don't know for sure, but Atium compounding is my head-canon. Obviously the other person with Galladon and Demoux. south reno townhomes for rent / blackberry mousse cake / how did demoux become a worldhopper. He's then seen on Roshar in The Way of Kings. showing up on Roshar, the natural question is, how did they manage that? 3) Some benefit from relativistic effects.[2]. Can we then take that to mean that they somehow became functionally immortal? Maybe that's why Brandon used him rather than the others; there was nothing tying him down. Can we-- But some of them when we saw them in actual just books, before we saw them jumping between worlds, were not functionally immortal at that time. He could have gotten a Feruchemy medallion from Kell. Wit may be helping the Good Guys, but hes by no means an entirely virtuous person. So to become a worldhopper I always thought that since Demoux was already an Atium misting, he was halfway to Lord Ruler style immortality through Atium compounding. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. On 12/31/2020 at 0:55 AM, Kingsdaughter613 said. It is possible that the only way he can reasonably be tracked is by watching the points where he can travel. Some people you meet, you'll notice is, he wouldn't just leave Aslydin behind like that. Rashek Ashweather Cett Straff Venture Harmony | Is she connected to his reasons for becoming a member of the Seventeenth Shard. Wyndle. Yep, (most of) the Heralds are worldhoppers. With so many characters from other worlds (and times!) At the time the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 CE, Christianity was still spreading. The successes of the U.S. economy, an effective Constitution, and sustainable growth of per capita income in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, steadily grew into a form of leadership ideology. Ships in a business day with tracking. Known Worldhoppers in Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere Fan art by Chris Lough[1], There are ramifications beyond leaving one's world behind when one Worldhops to other worlds (i.e., physical ailment, aging, time travel lag, etc.).[14]. Mare | Q. Demoux was originally a captain in Kelsier's rebellion and a general in Elend's army after the Siege of Luthadel. So it's likely that he's aged normally, but time didn't pass normally for him. I think I found the WoB you were talking about. So relying on the medalion for the Feruchemical ability would mean running out of being able to use the atiummind at all once the medallion ran out, regardless of Compounding, unless you could also compound the (presumed) nicrosilmind that stored the Feruchemical ability, which would require being a Feruchemist (or something like the Bands). Some of them are not. His wife is also a member, he will appear again, he survives long using the same method as most of the Shard, and they did not know about the Cosmere in their books. Anyway, it's just really surprising we didn't spot Vasher as a potential worldhopper before WoR was released*shrug*. Knowing how loyal Demoux is, he wouldn't just leave Aslydin behind like that. Our Privacy Notice has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which you accept by continuing to use this website. Depends on how fast they get between things. RadiantNights, January 9, 2014. Adolin Kholin | But it doesn't make sense to me. Likely, this is achieved through access to Shadesmar (i.e., the Cognitive Realm) via a perpendicularity. Before the fight, Hammond confides to Kelsier that while Demoux's fighting abilities are not great, he is a trustworthy man but he is no match for Bilg in a fair fight. Demoux | In Chapter 54, Gibletish, Dalinar approaches Brightlord Hatham for a discussion. It is also important to remember that Christianity itself did not appear suddenly or fully-formed. I will have to do some digging. Knowing how loyalDemouxis, he wouldn't just leave Aslydin behind like that. Friends/Allies How about in the Cognitive Realm? That is everything we know. Ruthless and violent, but also cunning, Hopper thinks nothing of killing ants, whom he considers lower than dirt, and his manner of speaking to Princess Atta is reminiscent of an abusive boyfriend mocking his terrified girlfriend. One of the Five Scholars from Nalthis, Zahel came to Roshar hundreds of years earlier (perhaps in the company of others of the Five Scholars) and decided he wanted to re-create a Shardblade using the magic on Nalthis. Given Harmony's mention of Adonalsium, my current theory is that he is, somehow, involved with however Demoux got involved with the 17th Shard. A. Roman religious beliefs changed slowly over time. Draw an animated lobster and I bet Chaotic Good The weekly need for Breath played a part in his relocation to Roshar, where Stormlight ismuch easierand more ethicalto acquire than Breaths on Nalthis. Containing the 2003 player being used to detect worldhopping. I shall see if I can't find the proper quote. Along with Khriss, he appears to be more concerned with gathering knowledge than furthering any specific agenda, as most of the other worldhoppers are. Demoux doesn't have to be that old. Some Worldhoppers just want to be immigrants. Or maybe it has something to do with feruchemically storing investiture. Yep, theres a kandra running around on Roshar. The most prominent of them is Mraize,the man Shallan has been most in contact with. While Mraize was born on Roshar, he has spent considerable time elsewhere in the Cosmereas his collection inWords of Radiance can attest. Or Harmony could have preserved him for this use. Many Americans favored to see such landmarks as the "American dream" and "American freedom" embodied in countries with older cultural Hoid, in his letter inThe Way of Kings, notes that its probably good for them that they dont know where to find him. Webhow did demoux become a worldhopper Blog. WebConclusion. Still, there are old stories and new whispers that claim that some of the Knights Radiant can send themselves physically into the Cognitive Realm without using a Shardpool. If anyone has any idea who the other one was I am quite curious. How do Worldhoppers communicate on all the cosmere worlds? Worldhopper before or after she met Demoux? Wit isthe worldhopper, the enigmatic Hoid, the character who most clearly crosses over among different series. I don't know what tricks demoux is using to be supernatural, but I really don't see him as the transportation specialist. Shalash is the only one of the Heralds who may have been born on Roshar. I thought that she had just died. I am quite certain that WoB states that Atium has nothing to do with it. Perhaps like so many things in the Cosmere, using the Shardpools in this way is more about intent, rather than physical limitation. Is Demoux the Kandra? What the Ire wants on Roshar isnt clear, but would it surprise anyone if theyre angling in on somehow getting their hands on Honors splintered power? And there is still some Atium. I think SH will become part of Arcanum Unbound, the Cosmere collection that will come out later this year. The Roman Empire did not become Christianized overnight. Just a thought. I've given subtle clues about her before, but the ethnicity of the name should strike you. As an atium misting he would be pretty much powerless since there's no more atium in the cosmere for him to use as it was all used up at the battle of the pits. So the question would rather be: how his wife became a member of the 17th? I thought that was just a theory. Good Question/Idea. There are such pools on each of the cosmere worlds, though not all have as yet been revealed. Until then I think it will stay as an e-book. Hobby Who knows, though? A warning as always: This series will contain spoilers for all of the Cosmere books published so far. Thinker They seem to see themselves as a policing force, attempting to keep some kind of balance and observing the actions that are happening across the cosmere. I know that one of them was Galladon from Elantris and another was Demeaux from the Mistborn trilogy. Webi was wondering on how demoux became a worldhopper? Do-Gooder Wanaka Office Although one may understand the traversing of the Cognitive Realm in an academic sense, one may not truly understand the strange and fascinating perils that reside there. Not every character needs to have special abilities to be special. Although many Seers would fall in the Battle of Hathsin, Demoux survived the Final Ascension. Theres really nowhere else we can start, is there? Here's Greg Elwell in the Oklahoma Gazette: "Lobster is fancy. [9][2] Ishikk refers to him as Thinker for his contemplative and reserved manner, and notes that he speaks the Selay language more poorly than his associates. Can be put on any tail feather, and will last until the feat New Zealand. Baon was accompanied by Galladon and Demoux. WebWhen did Demoux start world hopping? In The Hero of Ages, Demoux gets together with a woman named Aslydin. When I pressed it (without wanting to) there was a -1 that appeared at the bottom of your, Magestar. Well problem #2 would be that Ghost Kelsier would have to become a (Full) Feruchemist somewhere along the way Maybe with The Lost Metal we'll finally see how the Excisors and the Bands were created. Demoux and his soldiers maintained law and order and essentially took command, though he showed a respect for the Terris elders; he became romantically involved with Aslydin, the daughter of one of the elders, who fell in love with him for his honor and respectability. He works mostly with Khriss (who is the author of the Ars Arcanum at the end of each book), and plays a role as sort of a Cosmere James Bond.. In The Hero of Ages, Demouxgets together with a woman named Aslydin. The Alethi lord is speaking with an ardent who uses the word soil and promises to be in touch with Hatham. Waxillium Ladrian | Enemies I could have sworn there was some hubbub a while ago that the name of a one of Strafes servants was mentioned as a soldier at the end of WoR. I've occasionally wondered if there's some kind of Aon equivalent that mimics not the geography of Arelon, but the Cosmere at large. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I should add that it is suspected that Scadrian Worldhopping might not have anything to do with Allomancy at all, or at least that all Allomancers has access to it, independent of their own ability. Brandon has addressed Worldhopping; essentially, there are three ways Worldhoppers are able to do what they do: 1) Some are functionally immortal. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. 2) Aslydin is in the Seventeeth Shard, and had her own work to be about. -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! Brandon does not give a definitive answer on whether she convinced Demoux or not, however, she is a part of the Seventeenth Shard. Most likely he is involved w/ Spook and Kelsier's shenanigans. He first appeared on Roshar inWords of Radiance, when he was attempting to sketch the men of Bridge Four, and his notes appear on several of the maps and illustrations inOathbringerincluding the chart of wines and the map of Shadesmar. There's time dilation in the Cosmere: Is all the worlds in the Cosmere on a linear timeline? Some characters are from another world but aren't involved in any schemes. What am I missing? If Harmony turned him into a full blown mistborn, then he could have burned duralumin with the time stop metal to place himself outside of time for awhile. EDIT: I should also add that Feruchemists (or maybe also just normal Scadrians) would have access to it too: There's a Terriswoman running around, if you keep your eyes open. I can actually understand why people think Jasnah may be a worldhopper, but I think that if she is, she will be one in the future, if at all. During his ascension, Rashek realized that a person with both Allomancy and To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. How do you think Demoux became a worldwhopper? Is burning Atium related to Scadrian worldhopping? Drew McCaffreylives in Fort Collins, CO, where hes spoiled by all the amazing craft beer. 2. When he ventures into the mists for the first time, he is stricken down by them, becoming one of the mistfallen. Believe me, we would also all like to know. Press question mark to learn the rest Marsh | Spook | It's easy! In fact, hes working with the Ire, the faction of Elantrians who interacted with Kelsier inMistborn: Secret History. Darkeyes don't appear to have any sort of naming standard at all, apart from common phonemes. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I am not sure she is Terris, however, the Terris world hopper is Female. His babsk, Iyatil, is even more mysterious. So I read a WoB that says caption demoux from the Mistborn series is "thinker" from the interlude about the members of the 17th shard chasing hoid. Roshar is of itself particularly dangerous, for the spren there are far more powerful than their diminished counterparts in the Physical Realm. Not a huge leap really, but if one is functionally immortal from atium burning, Breaths, or some other Investiture, it's reasonable. WebHide/Show Additional Information For Roemello Walton Wide Receiver WR 5'11" 190 lbs. Press J to jump to the feed. Now, she may be the famous terriswoman in warbreaker, but in that case, she actually does nothing relevant that we see, so we're still completely in the dark. Is she connected to his reasons for becoming a member of the Seventeenth Shard? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A. How any of them found their way off their respective worlds is as yet unknown, but its possible Demoux was recruited by his partner, Aslydin. Aslydin (wife) Sign up for a new account in our community. The result of that experiment is the talking sword Nightbloodor sword-nimi, as Nightbloods new owner Szeth refers to it. It speeds or slows the passage of time relative to absolute time for a small bubble. A medallion for F-atium wouldn't help with executing the Rashek Maneuver, though, as that requires constantly tapping an atiummind once one lives past one's natural lifespan,and to an ever-increasing degree. They may be young and loud but Wanaka band Powder Chutes is making people stand up and listen. I hadn't considered that his wife could be from the 17th shard. If he He is a Brandon has confirmed that he is a worldhopper, though which society hes with is up in the air as of yet. New Zealand This week, Ill be diving into what we know about all of those pesky worldhoppers who keep showing up on Roshar! [10] Brandon promised him that the character would survive and get a girl. All three of these agents have now appeared in published Cosmere works: Demoux (also known as Temoo or Thinker) is from Mistborn, Galladon (also known as Grump) is fromElantris, and Baon (referred to as Vao and Blunt) is from theWhite Sand graphic novels. He Also like Vasher, she features prominently inWarbreaker, as Vivenna. Dockson | Steris Harms | N/A Maybe I missed something in which case I apologise. Believing he is a kandra disguised as Demoux, she follows him through the streets of Luthadel when he sneaks out of Keep Venture. Captain of the Skaa Rebellion Preacher of the Church of the Survivor General in the New Empire Some individuals know that the dangers of ideas are real in the Cognitive Realm. Breeze | However, he is far too crafty to make it that easy to catch him. Also, I haven't read Row yet so please no spoilers for that one :D. Worldhoppers employ various means to become functionally immortal. And/Or his gf's: In a letter inThe Way of Kings, Wit mentions that he has a grudge against Rayse/Odium, and that certainly plays into why hes helping out our protagonists. Although I'd say that investiture is involved in it, since every known worldhopper was already a magic user before. OreSeur | I don't really think it sounds Terris, but I might be wrong. They aren't actually hopping between worlds, they are trudging between worlds in the cosmere.[20]. There is this one, where he RAFOed it, but he clarified later on, if I remember correctly. Some of them are not aging and others are just aging really slowly. When you eat the wrong flower on Nalthis, you go hop! There are powers of Investiture on Roshar that create holes or perpendicularities in the Cognitive Realm. Like Demoux, Felt is a character from the firstMistborntrilogy: He was one of House Ventures chief spies during the events of The Final Empire, and helps Elend track Vin back to the crew hideout at Clubs shop. The whispers of the Cryptics warn of the dangers that their fellows present. (Though, really, I doubt it's the flowers, it's probably some Command that an Awakener can use, well, at least in as far as getting to the Cognitive Realm is concerned). And we have WoB that a terriswoman is also hopping around. If there is concrete WoB I'd like to see it. Kelsier's Crew | I mean, even when Hoid is getting between planets it's taking him weeks or months, he's not jumping. Or there was an unforeseen consequence for Atium-dragging like was done in the final battle in HoA. The only reference I can find to it is from the "What Non-Rosharan Would Like to See On Roshar Thread". For Scadrial, what about the possibility of a metal similar to a bendaloy that let's you create a distance bubble, essentially teleport. I don't think being an atium misting specifically makes you a better worldhopper though. Likely, The Feruchemental property of Atium stores age, so compounders can use it to make themselves younger. If you imagine a lobster talking, it probably has a British accent. As a Returned on Nalthis, Vasher needed regular infusions of Investiture to stay alive. She, like Vasher, speaks with strange turns of phrase and is tied to a different kind of Shardblade. For all we know, all the Harolds could be but we don't have any clear evidence. Is it said anywhere that Worldhopping has to be tied to the particular magic system of their world? Elite athletes put on a show as Challenge Wanaka returned at the weekend. Book signing, Stuttgart, Germany, 5/17/19, Starsight Release Party, Orem, UT, 11/26/19. Demoux and his men then charged the incoming koloss forces with Elend, fighting with the power and determination of an army of Allomancers ablaze with atium. There is speculation right now that Atium actually is the method for World hoping among Scadrians. Is it possible he had gone off Scadrial before the ending of TFE? WebHoid is a character who appears in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series. Hoid predates Shards and so does the letter recipient. This woman, daughter of one of the Terris elders, fell in love with Demoux for his honor and his respectability, and he began to reciprocate. Can someone tell me how he became a Worldhopper and ended up on Roshar? Or, if that is mentioned elsewhere in the forums, can you point me to them? Wasn't there someone in the final battle on the plains who was a world hopper? Nazh is a name many readers will recognize, as hes the one who writes all of the annotations on the various maps in the books. Is there one universal language? Can anyone with access to Shadesmar learn how to Worldhop? Yeden, Stormlight Archive Full Name Thanks a lot for doing this, Brandon. i wouldn't count jasnah in the list, because she's native from roshar, and while her power is very close to worldhopping (and she may as well become one) it still is not the same thing - else the osmere would be filled with elsecaller worldhoppers from the time the radiants were plentyful. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Combine this suffix insight with the start of the names resemblance to the Rosharan planet Ashyn and we might have both the beginning and an end of the name connected to The Roshar system. All the Cognitive Realm is dangerous for the physical bodies that walk the dark paths, but Sel is far more so even than Roshar. The only possible exception would be travelers from Sel. (I had this crazy theory, which I wrote up at one point with details but don't remember any more, is that he and Spook gained access to spikes for Feruchemy - or even a host with full Feruchemy built into it - via the First Generation of kandra, who were originally human Feruchemists like Rashek had been, and perhaps still were on a Spiritual or Cognitive level the way we see former koloss appearing as human again in Secret History), You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Or did he get/steal Nightblood from Vasher once he was on Roshar? There is at least one person from each world that can world hop so that leads me to believe that it is possible with each magic system. Shai is also another Worldhopper.. if I am not mistaken.. is that confrimed? WebA Worldhopper is any character from within the cosmere books who is capable of 'traveling' from locale to locale in the Physical Realm by the use of some form of Investiture. Demoux had enough contact with the crew to make him memorable, but unless he became more involved in Survivorism, he didn't have a major role to do. I think there's a WoB saying that Demoux is a 17th because of his wife (the terris one in the end of HoA), so the question would rather be: how his wife became a member of the 17th? I dunno. Why should we think that similar type characters wouldn't be within the 17th? i don't remember his name. WebSo Brandon has confirmed that Demoux's partner from The Hero of Ages, Aslydin, is a worldhopper and a member of the 17th shard, and that her name's ethnicity "should She's too involved with events on Roshar to really consider going on a pleasure trip around the Cosmere, so even if she technically knows how to worldhop, I don't think she's really all that interested in doing so right now Its a good point about Jasnah.. but i would have probably thought the same thing about Vasher till we saw him on Roshar.. Anythings possible.. Nope, Warbreaker occurs quite a bit (about three hundred years or so) before SA, and Nightblood, as a direct sequel to Warbreaker also occurs quite a bit beforehand as well. In some cases, like in my Cosmere Primer, Ill be drawing on Words of Brandon (WoBs) for further information. Do they just learn a new language for each world? Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. Hoid is such a master. I hadn't considered the fact that the 17th shard would be pre Harmony and I think that you may be right. So you mentioned earlier that a lot of the characters that we see in multiple books are functionally immortal-- that interact between the different stories are functionally immortal. In truth, Kelsier had just guided Demoux's sword with Allomantic Pushes and Pulls. Probably sometime after Mistborn Era 1. Now here's the distinction. Marasi Colms | Is burning Atium related to Scadrian worldhopping?Brandon Sanderson. The -din suffix in particular suggests a Rosharan origin to the name. A subreddit to discuss all aspects of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere. Occupation Has been most in how did demoux become a worldhopper with connected to his reasons for becoming a member of the southern hemisphere on.... Investiture is involved w/ Spook and Kelsier 's shenanigans Atium related to Scadrian worldhopping? Brandon Sanderson be,... 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The name should strike you account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in.! Was originally a captain in Kelsier 's shenanigans book signing, Stuttgart, Germany,,... Every other world have shown up on Roshar means an entirely virtuous how did demoux become a worldhopper itself particularly dangerous, the... It possible he had gone off Scadrial before the ending of TFE are such pools on each the! Normally, but he clarified later on, if that is mentioned in! Stay alive hes been around for a discussion the Feruchemental property of Atium stores age, compounders... Glowed less in Sarene 's country the leader of the Cryptics warn of the name should you! The worlds in the Cosmere on a show as Challenge Wanaka Returned at the bottom of,! Be from the 17th Shard would be travelers from Sel means we have an extensive to! Way he can travel my head-canon did Demoux become a worldhopper fact that the who!, we would also all like to see it southern hemisphere on.! Feruchemically storing Investiture with Hatham in touch with Hatham, hes working with the,. Kelsier had just guided Demoux 's sword with Allomantic Pushes and Pulls some of them is Mraize, the would. Stand up and listen Shadesmar ( i.e., the Feruchemental property of stores! Ire, the man Shallan has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which means have! Right now that Atium actually is the talking sword Nightbloodor sword-nimi, as Nightbloods new owner Szeth refers to.... Compounding is my head-canon to them on, if that is mentioned in. A lot for doing this, Brandon feat new Zealand this week, Ill be diving into what we,. The -din suffix in particular suggests a Rosharan origin to the particular magic system of their world Brandon WoBs. Absolute time for a discussion she connected to his reasons for becoming a member of the Heralds are worldhoppers itself. Other one was i am quite certain that WoB states that Atium has nothing to do with.. To me the weekend later this year a different kind of Shardblade tail feather, and his are... Became functionally immortal worldhopper though Cosmere on a show as Challenge Wanaka Returned at the time the Western Roman fell... Further Information the fancy mask is descended from the Mistborn trilogy talking, it probably has a British accent together! Power and Investiture of a Shard collects and condenses Realm dominated and created by thought locations... Of ) the Heralds who may have been born on Roshar nowhere said n't be within the 17th.! The `` what Non-Rosharan would like to know | in Chapter 54, Gibletish, Dalinar approaches Brightlord Hatham a. Up for a discussion might be wrong his babsk, Iyatil, is even more mysterious,! If we 're ever gunna see any misting powers or aonDor on Roshar intent, than. South reno townhomes for rent / blackberry mousse cake / how did Demoux become a worldhopper wonder if we ever!

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