He hovers over you, both arms on either side of your head. Well finish this later.. "Hoseok." Stop being such a bitch ! Warnings/Contents: Smut, Blood and blood drinking, Biting, Jun being super flirty and teasing, Arranged marriage, Virgin!reader, Unprotected sex, Body Worship, Oral (male receiving), Praise, Soft bondage (Jun ties/blindfolds reader with silk), Fingering, Talks about impregnation. jiminiefml: "BTS reaction: You want his attention J-Hope: I made you dinner," you smiled at your boyfriend Hoseok, I am not hungry yet, but thank you." he replied, too busy focusing on his. Y/N: I cant believe I ever thought I could trust you ! I did not get all dressed up for nothing, youll just have to contain yourself until we get home. Namjoon hummed in thought as he buried his face into your neck. You took a sharp inhale when he marches towards you. He felt as if he was holding the group back or as if he wasn't enough. You answered. Even if he likes you he feels bad to see you upset and hes affected. You figured it would be a nice surprise though so you didnt bother to bring it up the few times you two did talk. The day it was actually spoken about, you were both laying on the bed. You cant fight facts and try to prove them wrong.. You cant be serious, Namjoon said with a sigh, he was flirting with you Y/N, how did you not see that? You could tell he was upset and gently reached for his hand to calm him down. You weren't the best at communicating your feelings, and frankly neither was Taehyung. Was he? Of course he has his romantic moments, and he knows how to talk out his problems if its really an issue, but the talk of sex had never really surfaced between the two of you. Your head was against his chest while playing with his free hand that wasn't holding his phone. What about this one? S: Never in a million years. playing videogames. J: What? Have you been sprawled over my lap the entire time?, BTS reaction to their S/O wanting attention while they are . No." His hands were hovering over your body, fluttering, barely even making contact as if he was afraid you'd break. "Really? Jagi, what are you wearing? he stuttered out after a minute. You keep pushing. Prompt: You are an idol (the main rapper of the group), AN: Some of these imply that the reader is dating BTS while others can be seen as platonic (wasnt too sure which one was preferred)Gender neutral reader. You were just wearing his sweater with nothing underneath other than your underwear. "Well.. Then why did he willingly caused you pain, hurt you? You knew once he picked up a book it'd be impossible to get his attention after that. Wow, he whispered softly, I came over to try and surprise you and yet I am the one being surprised. You were about to ask what he meant by that when you felt one of his hands trail down your back to squeeze your thigh, realizing now how exposed you were. He takes a step back away from you biting his lip in despair as you start crying. You two would be relaxing after a fun date, just sitting on the couch together talking about whatever came to your mind. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you down with him so you were both underwater, crashing his lips against yours. BTS Reaction (when he wants your attention) *IMAGINE*-----Music/Song credit goes toTitle: Strawber. You would be happy together, have the perfect family, and live beautifully in your life of luxury. Why would you need one?? Request: Hi can I request a bts reaction about their s/o wants them to be her first time?? AN: WOOO this was a long one. To Jin, you had always been his innocent princess. He'd do it for the sake of your child, though. This was requested by @bigbangishome.Thank You so much for requesting senpai. ", His eyes were off his device and focused on you in the blink of an eye. J: I just did what i swore Id never- ever do.. It was the weekend and you were planning to spend the night out with your friends since Jimin was still busy with the new album. So the sexual tension between the two of you was an all time high. He sits close to you, letting you lean your head on his shoulder. There you were, wearing his sweater with a pair of black pants. Given that he is very likely bi/pan himself (AN: idk which is more likely) hed be pretty indifferent to you coming out to him. You were saying something about kisses?. However, if you kept that part of you a secret for years, or if other people knew and he didnt, he might be a little bit upset. He'd probably never admit it. Unfortunately, the one time he looked away was when someone decided to try their luck. You assumed it may have just been your neighbor or a delivery, so you were pleasantly shocked when you saw your boyfriend on the other side of the door. Yah, Im just joking, relax!, You keep making jokes like that and Im throwing my chopsticks at you!Sorry! But it was bound to surface eventually. You knew how much Namjoon loved you; you never doubted that for a second. If anything, he was happy that you trusted him enough to tell him. He gives you a big hug, allowing you to bury your face against his chest, while he caresses your hair. Y/N: I promise next time you call, Ill pick up. At all. Your confession was blunt but gentle. You immediately felt self conscious and tried to cover yourself as you quickly walked over and set the drive on his desk, turning to leave when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his lap. Heya, if you have any other requests:http://k-popislove-xo.tumblr.com/submit. Did you not trust him? He wouldnt make a big deal out of it, but he would check on you and what youre eating in order to make sure youre not skipping meals or becoming sick. His voice was stoic as usual, but you could still tell how frantic he was and promised you would be there in a few minutes, quickly grabbing the item in question and rushing out the door. One of your coworkers had called in for a family emergency and you were the only one readily available to cover them. He watched as your lips pulled into a soft smile, and took it as invitation to continue his actions. He was pretty hyper and eccentric himself so the two of you would work well together in that sense. It is exactly who you expect. If you were fine with it, why should he interfere. As gives you a hard slap on the face that makes you lose your balance for a second you feel the burning trace of where his hand hit you. Not that you owned any outfits like that to begin with since outfits that were a little tighter than normal tended to make you nervous. You are full of shit Taehyung ! Whats that? Disclaimer: This is a repost from my original blog, this is my own original work and not copied. It didnt help that you were pretty much oblivious when it came to people flirting with you. The entire ride home afterwards would be him questioning if you enjoyed the performance or a specific part when he had been the center, and you saying yes every time he asked. BTS reaction to their gf having stretch marks and feeling bad about them. You could see the physical struggle in Jin's eyes when he noticed you were just in a towel, using all of his willpower to keep from looking down. "I'm sorry for being so quiet around you Jin.". You hear his footsteps and you see your sweater in his hands. I cant stand YOU ! You were actually there, in person? You lived in another country, meaning that you and Jin rarely got to see each other in person. Given your similar personalities, he would likely get a bit startled when you suddenly switched and became savage after being insulted. Taehyung had finally gotten some time off and the two of you decided to go out and spend some much needed time together. "Is it bad that I'm still a virgin? Upptck Korta Videor Som Rr Bts Reaction When You Want A Baby P Tiktok. He had gotten a reservation at your favorite restaurant and had bought you a new dress for the occasion. In fact you dont respect anyones opinion beside yours ! I just got home and I thought he trailed off as he took in your appearance. Your husband would be royalty for sure, a man who would love and cherish you for as long as you both shall live. When you came out of the bathroom, yoongis heart melted at the sight. Oh that? Your head wasburiedin the material of his jacket, but you knew he was surprised. He would definitely be a bit flustered when he saw that you had come to surprise him but would be beyond grateful, running around to brag to his hyungs how amazing his S/O was to come all this way and surprise him. If anything, you were the one surprised as he would joke around a bit with you before going back to whatever the two of you were doing. Since it was fairly hot outside and you knew how intense some of his choreo could be. Prompts:Reaction to their gf being insecure about her curves, please? Im never going to hear the end of it if he wins now!, Well, if you hurry up and beat him you not only get that sweet triumph, youll also get a kiss.. He preferred to just /do/, but he usually knew when to discuss things. Read BTS Reactions: You wanting them to stay in bed from the story BTS | Reactions & Imagines by Marili_Cruz (Koala Eomma) with 14,100 reads. Not because you were insecure, but just because you found the baggier and larger outfits more comfortable. He looks down, unable to face you, his violence overwhelmed him. If you were not close enough for him to see, he would still put more effort into his dancing and vocals to try and impress you. Wrapping his arm around your waist and asking the other person to leave as kindly as possible, he would remind you who you belonged to when you got home. It was tight fitting to show off your curves and short enough that it barely touched your thighs. He muttered a quiet "good", before glancing over at you. Now you understand why he feels like that and suddenly have an urge to hold him tight. The farthest that the two of you had ever gone is kissing and even that was barely more than a light peck. BTS Reaction to: You wanting / wearing their sweater. Yeah, not happening. Requested by: No one :") Posted On: 28th of May, 2018. Why didnt you tell me you were coming? You would be attacked with hugs, and kisses as Jin told you how much he loved you and questioned how you managed to get here in the first place. Disclaimeri do not own the video or the music used except for the editing and storyline.all credits to the rightful owners. You know Jagi, Hoseok whispered when he finally pulled away, that last dance was too easy, why dont we try one thats a bitharder.. He was really nervous about this, but he couldn't hold back anymore as he put his controller down and looked over at you. Other than your voices and the occasional shuffling, the room would be silent which made for a calm atmosphere. Only when you called his name in concern did he finally process that it was true, staring back at you with wide eyes. Y/N: Save your excuses, if you werent like that you wouldnt have done it ! Make me proud babe. Not that you didnt want to spend time with your boyfriend, but you werent nearly as good of a dancer as he was. Y/N: You just had to do you, didnt you?! You smile at his cuteness. Thank you for coming jagiya, it means a lot!. Jk: I dont want you to become one of those girl that obsess over being skinny, I dont want you to change.. but if you feel this way is better.. *would probably still try to talk you out of dieting*. You let out a yelp, his phone slipping out of your hand and onto the floor. Jin would be in complete shock. Since he was an internationally successful idol and famous himself, it wouldnt really bother him too much that you were popular. You didnt know that, he never told you that. Every spot, every mark, every little imperfection, but to him you were perfect. A/N: Hope you have a wonderful day. The other thing you learned young was that the world you lived in was not simple, in fact one may consider it the merging of two separate worlds. He whips his head around so hard that he swore he could hear it pop. - Something Bad Happens To You (!!) Summary: Juns life has sucked lately and it only gets worse when he starts pushing you away. You are full of shit Taehyung ! Kim Namjoon. Hed understand you better than any other member, because hes also had body image problems in the past and would make sure you are 100% happy with yourself 24/7. He searches through the bags and finds his food. He takes them out and walks to the door. The last thing Jimin expected to see when he went on Twitter was the savage reply that you had left in response to an insulting post. Y/N: Id feel better with my body if I lost a couple kilograms . He was scared of being your first, didn't want to disappoint you. J-Jungkook your phone You let out a breath. You were so blunt about it after all this time of trying to avoid the subject, Jimin was a little taken aback. He never really had a problem with you showing off your figure a bit, since you did look good and he felt that you should wear what makes you feel comfortable. Never in a million years, not with a barrel pressed to his chest, would he admit that he was absolutely terrified of your first time. Jimin: Dont.. please dont push me away. What's wrong." But lately Namjoon had made it his mission to make you happy, and this was something special for the both of you. Your knees hit the ground and your . You want more? You smiled and waved at him which immediately broke him out of his trance and he smiled back while blowing you a kiss. He couldnt do anything but stare in shock as he watched you go off on the person that had insulted your appearance. He is not the one to express his feelings to the level he just did. Since you guys didnt talk much, there was no way for him to have known you would be at the concert. That didnt mean that he trusted everyone else though. I think I like this new side of you baby girl.. When he saw you in his sweater, he immediately hugged you while lifting you up. Babeeeeeeee, I just persuaded them into playing Mario Kart with me. You two would likely talk about it over dinner and he may ask a few silly questions such as if youre attracted to this person or this other person just to lighten the mood. Y/N: What would you say if I told you I want to go on a diet? Jimin: It was a mistake, OK?! I can believe you came all the way here for me! From this ask: hi, i wanted to request a bts reaction to them saying something hurtful in an argument and instantly regretting it? getting hurt (bruise, small cut) . Can you Please make a BTS reaction when their s/o really want to cuddle and they're too shy to ask but the boys sorta figures it out that they wanna cuddle? You gave him a confused look because of his sudden change of attitude. The simple fact that he was with you was proof enough. Not that he would suddenly look at you as if you were a whole different person, it would just take him a moment to process like with the other members. You were kind of glad his eyes were elsewhere, because you thought for sure your face must be the deepest shade of red. Y/N: How can you be so selfish Jin?! - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) It would become a common occurrence for the two of you when your schedules managed to line up or when you could coordinate your projects so you could work together. He wouldnt tell you since you were dealing with enough already, but would continue to care for you in subtle ways. My heart! Y/N: There is nothing to talk about Yoongi. Did you see the hearts I sent you? You look amazing! Who are you and what have you done to my jagiya?!. Jagi, what are you wearing? You felt your face heat up as you stuttered over your own words trying to come up with an explanation, his gaze making you feel incredibly small. Youre still you, nothing has changed.. taehyung, rapmon. You hadnt realized what you were wearing until it was too late and you were already pulling up to the building. Prompt: BTS react to their girlfriend being a model so she is very popular, Genre: Fluff, a few hints at smut if you squint, Warnings: A few suggestive scenes, nothing major though. Y/N: Oh.. no, no. It didnt show off much, but it was still more than you were used to and it made you a bit nervous. You asked, your eyes closed in calm bliss. You'd been dating Jin for a long time, nearing two years together. You cut yourself in the shattered glass as you try to stand up. You didnt reply to any, but you listened to them all. Jin!" As you just arrive home from work you find a weird piece of paper in front of your door. He asked you. However, given the thoughts that he was having seeing you in it, he knew others would have the same idea. Hoseok approached you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. Jimin looks terrified as he comes trying to hug you, but you push him away. He would be taken aback for sure and would make a mental note to never get on your bad side if he could help it. This time however, was a bit of a special occasion. He pushes you off him lightly and quickly goes to his closet. Yoongi knew this and, despite his constant assurance that you were beautiful, he never pushed you into wearing anything else. J: I didnt mean to do it, I just.. snapped. Jimin looks straight up terrified as he starts walking around the room. Sometimes I write and make stuff. So even if you dont care, Im still gonna tellyou that Im sorry.. Im sorry Y/N, I love you.. Nintendogs isnt even a real video game! However, he just couldn't bring himself to ever bring the idea up to you. "If it's what you need, then I understand," he assured you, squeezing you a little tighter, "I just want to know that you're alright.". best. Jun is determined to win your heart before you wed, and perhaps a few playful kisses are the key to doing that. He would sit silently and watch before staring at you with wide eyes as he tried to process what he just saw. Really confused Jungkook: What? BTS Reaction to You Being a Squirter (m) BTS Reaction to You Wanting to be Tied Up (m) BTS Reaction to You Being Chubby/Thick and Embarrassed the First Time (m . He wanted to throw himself out of the window for being too rough with you knowing your fragile body. Doesn't really react but you can tell he's mad by his eyes Rubs your back as he strategically avoids answering the question Talks to you about it afterwards to make sure it's not bothering you TAEHYUNG Originally posted by ariescults-moved He's devastated that someone could say any rude thing to you ever Id never.. Id never. He could never really see you as anything else other than his precious baby. You were playing on your phone when you heard someone approach you, looking up to see a man who was about your age judging by appearance. You look too cuddly!Stop hitting or Im gonna get bruises!You either stop or Im gonna drop you on the ground!, Taehyung enters the room looking distressed. Y/N: I was thinking about going on a diet, you know..? Summary: He is the head of the Wen family, the highest ranking family of vampires in the country. The both of you were nervous now. "About us. His gummy smile came out but quickly turned away when he saw you looking at him. He would be the one to say it first. You didn't say anything about it and it was forgotten until you were seated at the couch watching him play. Whatever. He said trying to keep his cool. The members were out one fine night, leaving you alone with Namjoon. Read when you baby them from the story panacea bts reaction and scenarios by katopark ( kato ) with 1074. He would definitely give his all in the performance, wanting to make sure that you were impressed with his talents. The tension seemed to grow, and before you knew it, his lips were crashing into yours. How did I get so lucky?. , Its ok as long as the magazine is published in one copy only and that copy gets to be mine. He didnt want you to feel awkward coming out to him when it didnt really bother him much. Jungkook appreciated your effort and gave a shaky laugh. Hobis reaction would be based on how far you were in your relationship when you told him. For the remainder of the concert he would constantly steal glances at you and smile wider everytime he saw you cheering him on, motivating him to do his best so you would be proud of him. You looked up at him with a confused look once he finally stopped a little ways away. After watching you rap on stage he would want to include you more in his own work. Story panacea bts reaction to their gf being insecure about her curves please. Knew others would have the same idea nothing, youll just have to contain yourself we... Prompts: reaction to their S/O wants them to be mine he starts pushing you.... 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