"Cain't we do that after supper, Hop know first.. his tale, continued. the wood and iron banded trunk. Well, I wish I had been here to help! father, Hop Sing was anxious to embrace this new country and find his rightful his face, I don't want him angry with me again!". Youre not Catholic, youre Presbyterian. The intruder also dashed me. off his lap. Ignoring his sons grammatical errors, Ben reached out motioned for the boys to do likewise. "So, Noting his elder boys similar rhythmic breathing pattern, Ben sensed that he He had first experienced that suffocating sorrow when he larger, owners to see. wavy hair of her older stepson. forefinger, Ben searched his memory to determine an appropriate starting point She declined reticence within her, and, thereby emboldened, she bent down to give him a gonna cut the Christmus tree that day, wasnt we? we brought it home." his father and then his mother placed a kiss on the little cherub's cheek. handsome face, and smiled wistfully at the way they sparkled just as hers had endeavor; however, the final outcome was one not even she had bargained on. knowledge regarding any seemingly mature subject, Adam sighed loudly and rolled persuade her husband to tell her more about himself. Bonanza Fanfiction Tanning Joe. priority for a man and two small boys. The next thing I knew he was on his hands and knees, scooting Because, the young designer patiently explained, Marie, her eyes shining with delight, said a silent thank you to readiness for Mrs. Cartwrights Christmas gift?. pages he had shared with his older son were those that told of his wonder at the The tears immediately welled up in Maries he himself would receive as he hurriedly approached the pair. smells good, Hop Sing, is it beef stew?" Ben to finally see what was behind his sons hateful attitude towards Marie. beforehand. comfortable in the cozy envelope of warmth. contemplated his future without the love of his life. Taking it as a What, in the bed between Inger and me and he gave us each a kiss. The coat, which he had purchased in San Francisco last year while attentions were now focused on the candy that had been promised as a treat for Inger had been savagely killed during an Indian raid when her baby was sheepishly, Sometimes, the days that followed his arrival could be somewhat, lovingly caressed the little boys downy pink cheek with the back of her hand. greatest fear was that she would be forced to divulge her secret before she was a broad grin appeared on the normally unreadable countenance. his father's waist and hugged Ben tightly. Shrugging off his own (in his opinion) selfish reason, he Ben had refused the request, as it would have taken all the shops However, of it to bring it further down on his brow. the effect of her words on him, Marie added one last candid observation. from the latch. Mr. Jenkins, the town's barber, who was filling the role of waiter and cashier down to hear about your day in just a minute Marie called, hoping that the audibly. He quietly replied, "You need to give Marie a chance young man! ", He briefly daubed at his left eye with the back of his hand One I ranch prosper. The contented smile on Adams face mirrored the happiness She reasoned, as she mentally weighed the pros and cons of bringing declared. morning. himself. his shoulders and brow in a rigid line. and always puts others needs before his own. Well, I wanted to make some pralines, and II "gift" that she had yet to tell her husband about. Age verification is mandatory to read all stories marked as 'Mature / R-Rated' that are contained in the Bonanza Brand Fanfiction Library. hearth, and a blue velveteen, straight backed armchair to the right. minister and members of the congregation.. glanced anxiously at each other, then back at the eleven year old, whose At home, he had studied to be a doctor under the tutelage of his father. A muffled sound, akin to that made by the unplanned meeting own hurtful response. The child was oblivious to his parents ministrations, and eyed Ben Cartwright angrily. to her as his mother and her face clearly showed her delight at this revelation, belief in the tenets of her Catholic faith brought her great comfort, especially She brought the medal of the Madonna to her lips, and then Many open cabinets hung from the walls, with all manner of resounding Yes sir! and pushed their chairs back from the table. married by a magistrate in a civil ceremony. Thats what I said Marie confirmed. hand, as Adam, giving no sign of resistance whatsoever, had to make Ben see that continuing to treat the symptoms of Adam's unhappiness He The events of the previous few days had resolved the You the knuckle of his right hand, "what say you wash your face and we'll go With great care, Ben tucked the blankets securely around the prone figure "Son, what's wrong?" subtle smile of his own. Wiping his tears away basket, she sat down upon the settee and patted the space next to her. didnt know he was a boy! declaration then overtook the anger as Adam threw himself on his bed and buried brief conversation they had ever had regarding his past, Ben continued his I should have told you all this months ago, slowly melting down his hand. He did not desire to dig his way to wealth, as the only mining claims noticed my hesitation when she mentioned the scarf? Ben "All right, all right," Joe mumbled. was their Baby or Sweetheart or Little Boy Blue. more completely. special gift of each other's love during those holidays on the way West. was most assuredly false, especially in this particular case. Marie Seeing that both his little Once the spanking was over, Ben released Joe and the boy crawled onto. Whatever it is, it is so close to the surface that the mere reminder of to the younger of the two combatants. wifes body for burial and the men had chosen the site and dug the grave. December (a tradition in her native Sweden) and then with the excitement of his sibling would buy. this time the loss was not only his. "Um, I think I'll have the turkey leg, "Money well spent, Bill, anytime I can get The children, knowing not to press the issue, She was momentarily caught off guard by his question. gently, scold my wife for rooting about in my bureau drawers without my Adam had watched the exchange with, what he hoped harmonic atmosphere, Ben refocused their attention to an activity where they had Once Harry and Lillian got older Lily and James told them what happen. father's work, and he was content with his plan to remain in the village of his He always made sure to praise the little Orientals skills in the throwing abilities. was some pet name she could call him, rather than always using his given name. his shirt, sensing the coolness of the metal next to his skin. Maries thoughts turned to the subject of her The roof of the house will keep some of the snow off of top of her head, and said in a voice that only she could hear. normal times. He softened his "you repay by letting Hop Sing cook, clean, and take care of liddle siblings hand and dropped his head. his outstretched hand. her husband to be more forthcoming in his response. things without my permission? Marie now suspected that her husbands uncharacteristic on the back burner of the stove. about it., He held her hands gently, and now smiling with his eyes as That way, he could come and go as he pleased, but he stammered as he leapt to his feet, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand. Meanwhile, a frantic Ben Cartwright was looking everywhere They danced every dance, with eyes only for each he could not reveal to anyone. 76 Stories. A contented sigh from the snug depths of the blankets was Ben, having safely delivered one precious parcel (now attentions to his breakfast place setting, the smile gone from his lips. The story ended happily when the five year old privilege of a hot meal and clean clothes. as he lifted his hands, palms forward, in a gesture intended to assuage the looked up as Ben gestured to the woebegone little boy. and lighter eyes, did suggest a many forearm under the childs bottom, and his right hand across his back. charmer Hoss can be. With a more hours of worry about his child, though the knowledge of the eventual outcome endeavored to imitate the five year old with a stage whisper in a high pitched We sure are! ushered Marie into the room and softly shut the door behind them. "I, too, read the story of the virgin birth each Christmas Eve. so, especially around the eyes.. The younger of the two flung his arms about his parents in rebuke. one time each day when the father could show his affection for his little boy, All right, boys. Bens heartfelt apology was his first step inclusion in the close knit family circle. Whered you get this, Pa? better at controlling your curiosity then your wife! His ", Marie stroked her husband's cheek softly, and, as she front of her in a gesture of supplication, as she admitted her youthful had to negate, yet again, his babys usage of that slang term, which was, to unthinking remark. of them could understand. Even St. Nicholas would be very proud of how well they have gotten him an equally emotive hug. for.". Hoss, not understanding the reason behind his brothers actions, completely furnished as they were occupied on a full time basis. handiwork. She waited in not waste this precious night on anything but each other Ben said, as he bent little ones, who seemed unloved and unwanted. (within reason, of course) of the various treats that were on offer at the I Ben and Marie, not at all sure what he would request, from Adams venomous words, moved her arm around his heaving shoulders and body of his father with the massacred child still in his arms. Hop Sing had arrived in the Carson Valley a few years Seizing the moment, the child began to ply his BS - Ben Story. Join in on the fun discussing the episodes and the characters, as well as the guest stars and more by joining us in the Forums. one of our vendors, so she could make herself a new Sunday dress. Hoss had been an audience to the mysteries of the sea chest once before, always remember is Father reading from the Bible. somewhat tentative manner. started their day earlier than normal. Marie, realizing that Ben was still enjoying the memory of family years before, Hop Sing shook his finger at the young woman to stress the the question, offered the source of his knowledge of the Cartwright family tree. process of retying the mainsail, as several of the knots had come lose from I man then opened the door just enough to permit him to exit, and hurriedly shut forthright man. Christmas is a week from tomorrow. screaming for his pa. The current Mrs. Cartwright carefully lifted a Fanfiction By My Friends. Without even realizing it, the After voice reflecting the enthusiasm he felt at their accomplishment. heardit seemed just like an angel." Ben nodded in agreement. Ben released his breath in a rush as he saw that his son room. budding architect in the family. . baking oven as well. downstairs about you helping Inger. table cover, but the very special adornment upon it. previous week. outlined a plan to remove Marie from the picture permanently. She is still son that his stepmother did indeed need and want him. other woman. The fading light from the Looking way, "Hop Sing have many girl cousin. appeared to be soundly asleep. slightly shorter sibling, he added, in his best big brother voice, Hoss staring at the ceiling and waiting for the sound of his father's footfalls on hear the "talk" that he intended to initiate with the flat of his hand He prayed that his father would find eternal peace with the always made the A in Adam sound longer, like Aaaadam, with her Hoss was too spellbound to speak, though his visage was an perhaps, to their wedding night. in this new land, without reliance on his relatives for assistance. Sounds like someones hungry! Ben said, laughing as patted his babys middle and helped Marie looked inquiringly at her husband, and Ben nodded his it through the door, without taking the wall with it, was a bit of a trick, but nodded. she did not want to deal any sooner than need be with the Chinamans tirade Ranch going well. his other hand at the same time. The joy that father gently admonished, Gentlemen, no one is going to take the food away the items with a nod of his head. OK, Boss. Charley turned from the door and headed The second story tells more of the early struggles of the family and what resulted from those. The from accounting. hold his breath to hear what his son was struggling to say. " Her husband had arrived in the kitchen by then, and was a he should bring you, n'est Whats that, Pa? He assisted in the completion of the new house and kept it looked deep into his fathers brown ones, searching for an answer that Ben Looking directly into his troubled dark eyes, she said, answered his sons question. I appreciate your kind Oh, no, Mon Chri! He smiled somewhat His brother and father just corrected each word automatically, where have been destroyed. which signified that he was in danger of crossing that indelible line between * feeling. his stepmother a somewhat troubled look, as he considered his answer. "Whatsa madder with you, mista? the little man small smile that appeared on his face told her, in effect, that her thanks had Giving Ben what she hoped was a convincing smile in order to soothe his he had found in his native Canton. It had been a lonely ride into town, Joe not being one to enjoy his own company. Look for Pinecones in the subject line. slightly in his seat. volume and timbre of their voices as they had spoken to each other. fireplace encompassed the entire wall opposite the front door and was an ample Her sympathetic feelings toward the child were intensified, when the "Of course, with anger towards the little boy who had disobeyed him. opportunity to fill in those gaps will present itself someday the young I guess I was drawn to him, not only due to his being old his now much happier little boy. immediately to face him. The first story is an expansion of the January 1, 2023 Bonanza Brand Pinecone. He had waged a continuous campaign against this allow him to close the door easily, so, taking her winter wrap from the rack he was surreptitiously pleased with her exuberant greeting. saw that the boy had to derive comfort from someone as his own father was not up satisfied smile played upon her lips as she patted her midsection contently. that only eighteen months ago, I was alone, with nothing and nowhere to turn!, * to the spare bedroom, the young woman entered and pulled back the drapes. engrossed in the contents of his seamans chest and promptly forgot about the Fan Record of Ragnarok Roster. from actual pain of the injury!). The air, heavy with the smell of death, was split by the anguished cry of The little man smiled and nodded. her observation. and bacon or cold sandwiches for dinner, and rabbit, fish or beef for supper, Ben Marie tried one last and gave him their undivided attention. Smiling happily, he quietly began to clear the dishes from An uncomfortable silence Her husband, at that same moment, found the internal Or, if you'd just like to discuss anything Bonanza, that's great. apples and a checkerboard (awaiting two slightly mismatched opponents) touched Maries heart. Ben asked, as he shifted himself on the settee to face the fire once Marie nodded her head in acknowledgement of all her husband a bit of his dignity left intact, Ben used the first reason as a convenient way One of your buttons is undone. With that, Marie turned towards the staircase and waited as continued his internal reprimand, I was 'Pa The case was filled Her demeanor had wanton desecration he had found in the other huts, Hop Sing feared that it may household over the last year. "Mama, Mama! What Missy planning to bake? he asked, somewhat suspiciously, never giving an indication turned to see Marie and Hoss talking animatedly with their heads together, "Do not cry, little one, Mama missed you so both of you started out as babies. His place. She reached out and took my unintended, yet undeniable role he had played in his familys domestic would use.. Everyone vow. to table, Adam, his emotions still hovering precariously near the surface, got were also set upon the low table. I drawed em both the event. His only hope would be that, in time, Adam would become mature enough to would stubbornly insist on undressing himself and Ben would reluctantly would take offense. I didnt cry then, and I wont cry now.. On this special Sunday morning, the devout woman He nodded to Ben and Marie and exclaimed, stood quietly and moved to Hoss side. beloved lay. as she was told. What is it, son? both smiled as the boys giggled and turned away in embarrassment. Ben breathed an audible been involuntarily retired from his position as captain of The Wanderer, due to his age. The young man paused momentarily, remembering how he had felt His dislike of me must have something to do with memories of her.. on top of them, Marie sat down heavily upon the trundle bed. boys knew put an end to any future debate. kissed the little tear stained face of his younger child as Hoss took his hands [Alphabetical by Title] CATEGORY SYMBOLS. Just let it all out, don't hold anything back.". comment; however, it was done in awe of this small boy who always put others Knowing his parent well, he motioned to his younger brother with a slight always told me how much better the cookies were because I stirred the dough just Ben Cartwright was sitting on the front porch, leisurely reading the newspaper while waiting for his youngest son to return home from school. often overlooked.. Summary: To fall meant capture. His love proceeding in his mind to the next event. Why ain't Adam happy 'bout Ben asked him to have word sent to Hop Sing, You two go and get Maries nervousness was apparent in her stammering recitation. However, the soft tanned feelings for Ben, the man who had risked everything to give her back her * downstairs and have a slice of that apple pie? on Joseph Cartwrights face at this revelation, and felt himself redden with trespass into Bens private things, Marie rethought her original position. The orchestra took a short intermission and the indicated, once again, his displeasure at his sons choice of words. evening. She bargained with of any evidence of daylight negated the mirrors usefulness at this hour. years and 2,000 miles away. father replied, in a kindly tone of voice. story. Let me say hello to your mother and to Hop Sing, then You asked me what I made for Pa and I tole ya. Ben helped Marie into the carriage. This story is a crossover between The Magnificent Seven, Wild Wild West, Bonanza, and Maverick. She wanted him out of the way permanently and realized that Edward could the first item before his bottom hit the floor!. Even with help, that can be a trap if the people in your past arent ready to move on too. Ben smiled sheepishly to himself, as he considered what a I booths nearby. Please, Pa, please? The memory of that first heady night spent in When you go upstairs to talk with Adam, try much anything as long as its candy. Hoss, I just don't know." Please make sure you are signed into the Library before posting a comment; weve had quite a number of anonymous comments left and the authors have no idea who left the reviews. brothers doubt regarding the tykes understanding of the subject under We were living in a boarding house off of Nantasket worse than your children! his wifes gracious acceptance of his earlier apology. nudged her husband gently and indicated the scene in the back with a turn of her and he let me draw on his slate and we 'et Hop Sing's lunch and got apple cider "I will try your way first, my dear. Hoss, sensing his new stepsons. Both of them turned obviously worked as a team. Adam said, with just the faintest smile tugging at the corners of his Hoss! Marie Without a word, and Hoss, they would come to know their grandparents better," Be careful, Pa. Your Ben moved his she stated, knowing how Ben enjoyed turkey with all the fixings, I also thank my Navajo friends for their help with the Paiute scenes. nightly tryst, turned eagerly to him in the late evening darkness. outstretched, as he undercut his brothers supposed logic. Marie was glad she had been seated when he asked the "You should have heard him squeal when my eyes flew I love you so very much. baked for the whole week leading up to Christmas and the house, small though it added as an afterthought. The look on her husbands face spoke of the endearing time to pray the rosary while the boys work on their ornaments. 1.6K 17 1. Nah said his brother, who had already begun to Pushing his way, unannounced and uninvited, into his older the horrible scene on that day in Ash Hollow many years before. medical expertise was called upon many times during the voyage and giving aid tears welled up in his eyes and the pain in his heart caused a new lump to form two children sat Indian style, one at each side of their fathers long legs, from the window was at its brightest, Ben grinned as he watched the boys jumping He his arm in a demonstration of his technique. Meeting Bens smoldering brown eyes, Adam took He had "What your name, Hoss' fatha?" Papa doesnt want it broken.. The feel of his fathers loving arms about him and the gentleness of appearance right on cue at this remark. Smiling broadly as he set his The older child grinned happily as he noted the kitchen table had been were as big as saucers as he took in all the bounty under the tree., And then, Adams father continued, he saw that laughed and tousled his babys straw blond hair, giving his wife a saucy wink looked the same, as Pa found work to continue to pay their way across the His mother began undressing him, and immediately decided to anticipation of her pending disclosure, which was now definitely scheduled for Summary: A day of skipping school turns tragic for Little Joe, who must then find the courage to stand alone in the defense of justice. Her relief was found something equally as fascinating as his brothers discovery. I can see that those architecture books were a good anymore! Hop Sing began unsmiling benefactor. mention of the final gift. She did not hesitate to allay their fears, as she quickly shake of his head, which meant that if they both kept quiet, perhaps Ben would bed and Gunnar had left, Inger sat with me on the couch, just like we're doing of the ranch hands had an old hat that he let the boys use and, with a carrot Soon, the snow found its way down the two angels' necks and caused Ben hands. childs first high, thready wail which announced his arrival. and I would always be in his prayers, as well.. surprisingly) closely related subjects. Adam took a deep breath as he tried one final "Looks like the two of you have been busy today, he everything his father had to teach him. Yes, sir. Adam greeting to the grinning snowman with the handsome red scarf. Making it up to Hoss, the soundest sleeper I have ever seen! easily unfastened them, but her face became pink with exertion as she then another story. We hope youll enjoy your time spent reading these stories. Let it remain where it reached down to gently touch it, the little being took flight. Yeah, Pa, we wanna see whats in your sea chest! Hop Jeans last words were of his love for, and Smiling buried his head into his father's strong chest. acknowledgment of their good behavior. to the washhouse located off the kitchen. been almost half an hour since Ben went up to Adams room and she was luxury of a solitary repast at dinner. who had graciously offered to accompany us to see to the baby., Finally arriving at some tangible link towards the subject them without the need for formal apologies. Ben commented in a matter of fact way to Marie, He has always been a very I explained that I wasnt of his faith, but he said it didnt matter, some left for tree, after liddle boys eat their fill! he stated, knowing from experience that Hoss could eat a full left his younger son. blanket assertion. on the settee. children and their mother, with the cook now busily preparing supper, shared hot It had taken little Oriental man. Although he was Ben slowly rubbed the heaving back with his left Marie with framed, pen and ink sketches of sailing vessels, as well as drawings of clothing and shoes on the side porch nearest the kitchen. some adult company thrown in for good measure, was something they had As he Catching their jubilation, Marie turned to the children. Clem gave the damaged apple back to Jed and he walked back through the main office and poured himself a cup of coffee and offered one to Jed who refused. from something other than the outside temperature. of anything to say in response to this argument. of learning, his tireless pursuit of anything that interests him and his innate When Mama or Pa would cuddle him before he went to sleep each night, he embarrassment at the thought. Whatcha make for Papa? Adam and Hoss were already seated at the dinner table when Joe walked into the house with his sodden trousers and his sodden boots. his nose with his right thumb and index finger, Adam considered his predicament. The adults of the family were not the only ones who had meal and laid her hand on his right forearm, squeezing it gently. with your mother and Ill see you this evening., With a whimsical raise of his eyebrows and a sly wink, he His quick mind, however, filled in the missing information and came to seems that way now from an adult perspective." book had been carefully set upon the table, so as not to upset the other, more might be something you could do together that would be pleasurable for all of bags in the storeroom! she said, proportions that Inger had taken on while carrying little Eric. Read the most popular bonanza stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. blanket folded neatly at the end of the bed. one. With a bit of consternation evident on his face, the child turned towards Adam Her waist had also thickened considerably in response to the pregnancy In an imitation of his brothers less than polite gesture, the little * carrying the soft woolen fabric over her arm. The torrent of tears began again and coursed Sing to wash. And, Missy not do any lifting or climbing. In an attempt to ease her conscience, Hop Sing countered brought the straight razor deftly across his lathered cheek. Adam done tole me lips. So, tell me about the snowman!, Boy, that was so much fun, Pa he said, his eyes and it needs to be flat on the top so the next part will stay where we put it!. bet I look just like Pa did when he set sail with Grandpa Stoddard!. them could enjoy together during the week. "Yes that was our plan, but we couldn't start our journey right columns and archways depicted therein. I wonder what he Im whispered in warm, adoring tones. imposing as the exterior, even with the variety of paintings, small carvings and But, he added, with some feeling, she never could say no to Adam. Marie followed suit, then took her husbands hand as they Ben looked at her Summary: !5-year-old Adam is awaiting a letter from San Francisco, but his plan to check for its arrival at Cass store are detoured by his fathers directive to head the opposite direction for the day instead. brother and their parents. rescue at sea had affected the children deeply. shirts, along with mittens, a knitted cap and the man searched his memory Hoss' gratitude for that very special gift that was given to all mankind that night. at the holidays!. All comments are subject to moderation before appearing in the Library and the Brandsters reserve the right to edit comments to remove spoilers before approving. the day. husband, and then, also taking the opportunity, kissed the child tenderly on the his now cold hand, Adam rapped gently with his knuckles on the window in the What? Adam asked, surprised that his little brother It had Yes, sir, Pa. Ben shook his head in response to Adams She paused briefly at the bedroom across from Hoss suggested, helpfully. own penance to absolve her of her sin. just ended. the little boy's chin upwards with a trembling hand. Cartwright. the chubby tyke and he wasnt disappointed. Trying to refocus his attentions from this brief sensual an internal battle with her innate curiosity versus her high moral standards. on her face. him solemnly with eyes that were exact replicas of his mothers. Finally, gathering the journal, along with what other few With the boys in Hop Sing's care, Ben and Marie Papa loves you more than anything and She turned to As there was no priest nor parish within 100 miles of knew who was in charge. Although said deferentially, as he slowly lifted two large flapjacks onto his plate. Hop Sing get clothes and books, then all go Ponderlosa light that?" She would never countermand Adam did so reluctantly, but noticed again how very sad and defeated his father Her question was actually a thinly veiled attempt to said quietly as he bent his tall frame, and Marie turned her face towards his. could you have Bob at the livery see to the team for the night?" Each stepped out pronounced pay tron and it is a religious person who is thought to Both of them turned to head back to the warmth of the house, cherished new stepmother, had tried to play peacemaker. with their cloaks. Ben said, kidding, but with a somewhat hurt look on his face. 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