a. A student who claims that another culture is really weird because of the food that the people of that culture eat is using: Marijuana laws over the course of U.S. history illustrate: e. Machine downtime represents a cost of $70 per hour; operator cost (including salary and Cultural values can help marketers predict which consumers are most apt to buy something on impulse. Which of the following statements is true of animals? D) travel Karen is attempting to learn that student body's specific _____ regarding behavior. d) Family, Which of the following is NOT part of Hofstede's value dimensions? o He stated that a country's culture cannot affect the evolution of its markets. -Prayer. positive or negative, A collective conception of what is considered good, desirable, and properor bad, undesirable, and improperin a culture. C) education How would you assess whether it is worthwhile investing in? b. counterculture. They pay attention to cultural differences in markets they are attempting to enter. B) What needs can this product or a version of it fill in this culture? She will continue to show this generosity for 202020 years, giving a total of 202020 payments. Which of the following would best be considered a part of symbolic culture? Select one: Culture is seldom transmitted from one generation to the next Culture can be divided into three categories, including material, nonmaterial, and intellectual culture. E) concentration, The population of the United States is almost 300 million people. Neil: Boris, Im taking a course in night school, Intro to Accounting. I was wonderingcould you answer a couple of questions for me? o They pay attention to cultural differences in markets they are attempting to enter. _____ is the complex whole that includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society. Which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true? C) In many countries, males have more career opportunities than females. B. Marketers that wish to expand internationally need to understand a culture's widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable. It refers to the idea that humans continually improve on improvements, that they do not go backward or revert to a previous state. -Honoring your mother and father value security and try to always follow the rules. A) uniformity b) Culture is a tangible concept and not an abstract one. Countries have been transitioning from agricultural to industrial to service economies. A case study affects the way consumer prioritize the things they desire and the things they need. _________ is the sum of the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and thought processes that are learned and shared by a group of people, then transmitted from generation to generation. Also, why is the left side of an account called the debit side? Order Today. Note From Glenn Greenwald: The following is the full show transcript, for subscribers only, of a recent episode of our System Update program, broadcast live on Friday, Febraury 24, 2023. d) Emics, There are cultural differences in attributional styles among different human cultures. B: The ability to engage in both single and double loop learning is critical to effective strategy execution. A marketer assessing a society should remember that cultures are constantly changing. d. In the context of best marketing practices in the European Union, international marketers must. a. in the media. c) He identified six universal values. You are here: Home. When people from different cultures come together to communicate, their messages are guided by and reflect their fundamental values. The feeling of surprise and disorientation that people experience when they encounter cultural practices that are different from their own. A subculture that deliberately opposes certain aspects of the larger culture. Which of the following statements about values is correct? Which of the following is a feature of language? True or false: Cultural values have nothing to do with a consumer's likelihood of griping about defective products and service failures. Which of the following best explains the effect of birth control techniques on men's lives in the past 50 years? d) Newborns have no culture. o Markets are molded by a marketer's promotion and distribution system, the region's economy, and various cultural influences. d) affective autonomy, Schwartz's value dimension of _____ refers to the degree to which cultures emphasize the promotion and protection of people's independent pursuit of positive experiences. b) Worldviews Culture is the entire way of life of a group of people. B) Gross domestic product (GDP) d. mores. A) Is the geographic area homogenous or heterogeneous with respect to culture? It is a poor predictor of job performance and is not recommended for employment selection or promotion decisions. In the context of culture, which of the following statements is true? How has the availability of birth control affected families throughout the world? D) travel c) Animals have the cognitive ability to share their intentions with others. a) Religions c) power distance c) Studies of genetic systems suggest that racially defined groups are more similar than different. My problem is with those rules of debit and credit . d) Nationality. B) distribution a. the changing forms of media dispersion (e.g., TV, radio, the internet) are as important or more important for cultural change than the content of the media. o It does not influence people's consumption habits. b. on our roadways. In an analysis of Census figures, one in four American counties has passed or is approaching the tipping point where black, Hispanic, and Asian children constitute a majority of the under-20 population (The New York Times, August 6, 2008). . _____ refers to the structure of relationships that exist among individuals. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Cultural values are usually set before and during adolescence. link people strongly together through close-knit groups. (1) February 1: Purchased display counters and computer equipment for $90,000. o colonialism, o communism (a) They are partly determined by our genetically transmitted traits. To do this, marketers should study _____. d) Animals do not have the ability to invent and use tools. Values are often consciously articulated in a company's mission statement. The mere act of publishing the mission statement makes it effective as it clarifies to all employees the purpose of the organization. It was easier for ideas and information to travel over the Silk Road instead of crossing the Sahara or the Isthmus of Panama. the innovation will not disrupt existing beliefs and behaviors very much. d. Cultural diffusion usually occurs in the direction from more developed to less developed nations. D) middle-aged adults Which of the following statements is true regarding the function of the brain a. Glucose molecules are ultimately secreted into the renal tubules. c. Norms often develop directly out of values. Which of the following is the geographical argument used by Jared Diamond to theorize why Euro-Asian cultures have sometimes dominated African and American cultures? c) harmony Cultural universal A common practice or belief found in every culture. The marketer's interaction with the local culture determines whether the marketing will fail or succeed. Culture is something one is born with. d. A phone survey. Exchange puzzles with a classmate. o It is easier to gain entry into a country for foreign investment if local content from the host country is not used in any of the products. Which of the following statements is true regarding an organization's culture? o Marketers have no influence on a country's culture. Fast food is the best way to feed busy families. d) Norms. _____ are rules that specify or prohibit certain behaviors in specific situations. o Markets are in a constant state of flux. Which of the following statements about international marketing is true? o Markets are static. a) Many psychologists today agree that race is more of a biological essential than a social construction. d) Ethics, _____ are evaluations of things occurring in ongoing thoughts about those things, or stored in memory. c) Many animals communicate with each other. b) globalization The emergence of cola brands such as Mecca Cola and Arab Cola in the Middle East in the 2000s is a reflection of which of the following? Americas are expected to be on time to an event, and they expect others to do so as well. An established standard of behavior maintained by a society. B) government B. cultural psychologists are interested in the connection between cultural activity and psychological differences. Individuals from cultures that have low Power Distance Index scores, Cultures with high Uncertainty Avoidance Index scores have. Which of the following would be considered a counterculture? Which of the following statements regarding culture in international marketing is true? o Markets are independent of cultural influences. o not much anxiety and stress. o fascism E) composition, _____ refers to the physical location of individuals in terms of geographic region and rural, suburban, and urban location. o They pay attention to cultural differences in markets they are attempting to enter. (13) February 28: The firm amortizes (that is, recognizes as an expense) the patent over 60 months. o Markets are static entities that do not evolve in response to cultural influences. o They teach each new generation how to act in an acceptable way. Which of the following statements is true of the ratchet effect? In the United States, promptness is considered a virtue. The firm depreciates such equipment on a straight-line basis over the expected life and uses an Accumulated Depreciation account. consider a region's ambient temperature to be a market segmentation variable. b) Temperament Which of the following statements about the origins of culture is true? o the innovation will not disrupt existing beliefs and behaviors very much the use of gestures, facial expressions, and other visual images to communicate. False 3. The interactionist perspective highlights the symbolic meaning of various aspects of a culture, both material and nonmaterial. o recognize how cultures change. c. negative sanctions. They are likely to say that power comes from knowledge and achievements c. They reflect more egalitarian views d. They tend to distrust people who are not part of their group d. C) teenagers a) People have worldviews because of evolved, complex cognition. o Historic events can affect technology, social institutions, culture, and behavior. b) affective autonomy o They influence people to live in peace together. The machines operate for an average of 86 minutes between adjustments. Values, in turn, are philosophical principles that guide the common sense of any individual, varying in forms and customs. It influences individuals in such a way that they are completely aware of its values. When people are introduced to a belief or practice from another culture and they approve of it, they incorporate it into their own culture. EMployMEnt laW student workbook. Thus, the United States values _____. a) egalitarianism o Cultural influences do not affect the expansion and contraction of markets. o the measure of difference between languages, o philosophically, the creation and appreciation of beauty, o an awareness of the nuances of culture so that a culture can be viewed objectively, evaluated, and appreciated, the phenomenon by which societies learn from other cultures' ways and borrow ideas to solve problems or improve conditions, a marketing strategy in which products are marketed in a similar way to the marketing of products already in the market in a manner as congruent as possible with existing cultural norms, a marketing strategy in which a company deliberately sets out to change those aspects of a foreign culture resistant to predetermined marketing goals, the satisfaction of consumer needs and wants at a profit, entities that actively strive to reshape consumers' beliefs and behaviors, o Author of Guns, Germs, and Steel It can lead people to think that cultures have more in common than they actually do. D. Absentmindedly staring at the ceiling while your professor is talking. b)False, chapter 2 cross cultural research methods, Chapter 4: Culture and Developmental Processes, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Lecture 4: structure, function, and metabolism. Values are concepts that have ultimate and long-term significance. B) religions o Power Distance Index c) Beliefs -Greetings Which of the following is NOT one of the o Geography is the key to inequality Finally, why are there just two sides to an entry? we can conceive of something only if we have a term for it in our vocabulary. Consider your responses to the previous questions. 1. Complexity, differentiation, and institutionalization. Which of the following is NOT true of technological change? which of the following statements is true of neuroscientists .Psychology questions and answers. A. Consciously stilling a laugh when someone walks into class with toilet paper on his or her shoe. b) False, Countries have their own unique sociocultural history, language, government, and economic base, all of which affectculture. Many publications state that the environmental . o A country's political economy has very little effect on a culture and ways of thinking. b. The marketer's interaction with the local culture determines whether the marketing will fail or succeed. A fairly large number of people who live in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside their area, and participate in a common culture. a) embeddedness Its effects on individuals are always negative. o They anticipate changes in markets where they are presently doing business. C) Psychographics E) workplace, The United States is comprised of a culture that accepts a wide array of personal behaviors and attitudes, foods, dress, and other products and services. He likes to brainstorm with his colleagues and is open to exploring new ideas and taking risks. Two cultures that speak the same language might interpret certain phrases or words in a very different way. Which of the following is a mistake sometimes made by marketers? d) Many animals communicate with each other. Sarah's job at a major manufacturer of consumer package goods is to learn as much as possible about the knowledge, beliefs, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans in a given country in which her company intends to expand. d. social change. 2. b) Complexity, differentiation, and institutionalization While running, each machine can turn out 50 pieces per hour. b) Having a worldview is a psychological process specific only to certain cultures. It was easier for ideas and information to travel over the Silk Road instead of crossing the Sahara or the Isthmus of Panama. Which of the following statements about race is true? Assimilate / acculturate to the dominant culture. b. d) motivation, Scientists agree that many psychological processesattitudes, values, beliefs, personality, cognitionare inherently constructed by culture. They tend to avoid all forms of hierarchy b. a. Which of the following statements regarding cultures that score high on the Individualism/Collectivism Index is true? (12) February 28: The firm recognizes an appropriate portion of the prepaid insurance as of January 31, Year 8. Which perspective would have particular concern about the exploitation and discrimination practiced by the company in El Salvador when it forces women to take pregnancy tests prior to being hired? Which of the following statements about the aesthetics of a culture is true? d) Social axioms, _____ is a social axiom dimension that represents an outward-oriented, simplistic grappling with external forces that are construed to include fate and a supreme being. Which types of government competed globally throughout most of the 20th century? The probability that a machine will have to wait for an adjustment. Culture includes both symbolic and material elements. a) Emics; Etics g. Property taxes on the Aurora, Illinois, manufacturing plant. d. It includes punishments but not rewards. a. norms. In the context of Schwartz's value dimensions, _____ refers the degree to which cultures will emphasize the maintenance of the status quo, propriety, and restraint of actions or inclinations that might disrupt the solidarity of the group or the traditional order. which of the following statements is true of neuroscientists. c) Phonemes; Phonetics b. d) Culture, _____ refers to the behaviors or patterns of activities that a society or culture deems appropriate for men and women. As the economies of European nations are unified, consumers there want to buy the same products and services. A culture is most likely to accept something new when _____. Thus, option A is correct. a. cultural imperialism. Her decision to wear the most stylish designer clothing. Most everyone shares the same values in today's society is considered true regarding cultural bias. a. c) Culture influences psychological processes, not behaviors. Ch. In the context of culture and race, which of the following statements is true? b) uncertainty avoidance The bank loan bears interest at a rate of 12% each year and is repayable with interest on February 1, Year 9. According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, what needs to happen in order for James to be able to identify examples of poka-yoke? o Governments have more influence over cultural values than religion does. What marketing strategy involves launching an effort to alter anything about a culture that stands in the way of the marketer's sales goals? Which of the following IS NOT true about cultural psychology? Which of the following statements about international marketing is true? a. What is the optimum number of operators? James would need to learn about poka-yoke. E) lifestyles, With respect to demographics, which of the following refers to the number of individuals in a society? D) density How has the availability of birth control affected families throughout the world? c. Correlational research D) economics C. Culture is unique to each individual in a society. o He stated that the per capita GDP of a country is directly related to its latitudes. The average number of machines waiting for adjustment. _____ refers to energy that supports life and travels through everyone's body and the environment, including the inside and outside of houses and places of employment. a) True a) Personality B) geography Complete the puzzles and then check each other's answers. Be sure to read the feedback. Business OR BEHAVIO BU 401. It is designed to help you learn the material. In the context of the relationship between culture and human behavior, which of the following statements is correct? A. In the context of psychology, which of the following is true of cross-cultural research? it is less expensive to do business in a foreign country where people speak a language that is similar to that of the marketer. The spread of McDonald's restaurants throughout Asia is an example of: d) Race, _____ refers to the individual differences that exist among individuals within groups. Which of the following statements regarding the change in family as a social institution is true? Project team . Education is "an investment in human capital," according to economists. o In the United States, fewer women are having children outside of marriage. In the context of international marketing, culture. (If necessary, review Section o Masculinity/Femininity Index The totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior. Which of the following is the geographical argument used by Jared Diamond to theorize why Euro-Asian cultures have sometimes dominated African and American cultures? Which of the following is a cultural factor that affects consumer behavior and marketing strategy? What's Moving After Hours. (2) During February: Purchased merchandise on account totaling $217,900. o willing to take risks a. Norms are similar in every culture, time period, and situation. b) False, _____ are general beliefs and premises about oneself, the social and physical environment, and the spiritual world. The imposition of one culture's beliefs, practices, and artifacts on another culture through mass media and consumer products is called: -Patriotism o He claimed that a country's climate has direct influence on a worker's wages. . Population density influences culture, whereas climate does not. E) Saudi Arabia, Which of the following is enabling the growth of a global culture? Use the key term listed to create a crossword puzzle. Research has concluded that the MBTI does a poor job of measuring Jung's psychological types. o Roles and status positions in society cannot be dictated by social institutions. In most cultures, an infant's first experience with a social institution other than the home is most likely to be, Before the birth control pill became widely available, men and women spent more time dealing with. B) young children (4) During February: Paid to employees compensation totaling $32,400 for services rendered during the month. o He claimed that new ideas moved more quickly from east to west than from north to south. A smile c. A speeding ticket d. Being arrested b Which of the following is true concerning norms? Which of the following statements about culture is true? While outsiders may consider these rules too harsh, they are in the best interest of the whole company, including the workers." Cross-cultural misunderstandings between providers and patients can lead to mistrust and frustration but are unlikely to have an impact on objectively measured clinical outcomes. o The ratio of male children to female children in a country is independent of culture. Culture encompasses everything in a particular society, including values, beliefs, knowledge, behavior, language, and objects. His Uncertainty Avoidance Index score is low. Not disrupt existing beliefs and premises about oneself, the region 's economy and! Countries, males have more influence over cultural values have nothing to do with consumer., all of which affectculture the Individualism/Collectivism Index is true on men 's lives in context... Children to female children in a constant state of flux established standard of behavior maintained by a marketer assessing society... Consider a region 's ambient temperature to be able to identify examples of poka-yoke autonomy o they people. 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