This, particularly the artificial subsidising of passenger fees/driver wages to drive growth, is the source of the US$3 billion net loss last year. These occurrences make us ask: what leads upper management at Uber to commit such illegal and unethical behavior, could some outside philosophy perhaps influence these decisions? The report understandably sparked outrage. Until recent news reports surfaced, however, Uber customers were not informed that their whereabouts would be monitored. In addition, the primary ethical issue that Uber has encounter is their selling point. But it's not been a smooth ride and the firm is engaged in regulatory battles around the world Monday, December 21st, 2015 Uber has raised a lot of money: more than $8bn in fact. Examples range from not running the proper background checks and allowing felons and people with driver license issues to taxi people around. An organization with good morals doesnt cover these things up. Uber's main selling point -- that nearby drivers are. Similarly, another passenger accused an Uber driver of sexual charges in Chicago. The first branch store opened in 1964 in Missouri. Following TfLs decision to withdraw Ubers license to operate in London, there has been a widespread picking over of the ride-hailing apps recent history and speculation about its future. One that harnesses the possibilities of digital technologies not to enrich venture capital, but drivers themselves, in the form of cooperatives like the one currently developing in the absence of Uber in Austin, Texas. Uber is an American multinational company that offers services like peer to peer ride sharing, food delivery, macro mobility system, and electric bikes and scooters. Uber: An Unethical Company Over the past couple of years, one particular company has seen more than their share of scandals. Provide a detailed report on the ethical issues faced by the Uber Company while conducting its business processes and recommend effective ways to tackle them. Interactive: Human Resource Management Interactive eBook 3rd edition: 9781544320618, 9781544320601. Furthermore, Uber selling point consists of Uber drivers being informed promptly of an individual desire . As this made her very uncomfortable, her sexual harassment claim would be characterized as a hostile work environment that goes against the 1964 CRA. This led to a four-month investigation and pressure . The 78-page report stated Uber dealt with 3,824 incidents of severe sexual assault and. ReferencesAngrist, J. D., Caldwell, S., & Hall, J. V. (2017). A fairly common conclusion is that Uber needs to become more ethical if it is to survive. Uber faces stiff competition in lots of markets. Journal of Management & Organization, 22(6), 859-874. A Warner Bros. Here's the strange thing about where I live: When I walk. The accusation of Uber violating the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act by bribing international government officials is yet another example of potential influence from Milton Friedmans philosophy. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, it is against the law to harass a person because of their sex, request for sexual favors, unwelcome sexual advances, and other verbal or physical harassment. HR should be there to help, to train, and to take aggressive action and have zero tolerance. Below, we will examine Susan Fowlers case, who was an employee at Uber and claimed that her supervisor sexually harassed her and other women at the company. American laws are really generous and good at protecting employees, in fact, they are much better than laws in other parts of the world. Of Uber's eight new cultural norms, all but one have some desired behaviors identified. They should thoroughly check the personal and official background of the applicant. Later on in the 1980s, after a few Court rulings, sexual harassment went under that same umbrella. Although eventually fired the coworker had previously harassed her and dealt with no consequences. Rapid growth saw Uber in 100 cities [], OReilly started as a part store in Missouri in 1957. Basically they claim that the data is misleading and how the system can count it as a sexual assault complaint if some ones says Uber raped my wallet. A woman was raped by her Uber driver in India and the CEO Travis Kalanick doesnt do much about it and explains how its just a growing pain (Linshi). The charges of sexual assaults on the passengers have been condemned upon a lot of Uber drivers as mentioned by a report in the New York Times. Safety of the passengers Another challenge could be the sexual harassment problem. Therefore, this paper will examine Uber business practices and provide a report on the ethical conduct of former CEO Travis Kalanick in his daily work activities. With a 6% Hispanic, 9% black, and only 36% female ratio, there is no question that Uber violated the 1964 CRA. The controversial statement of Kalanick stating the company as Boob-er (implying that the company has acted as a chick magnet for him) has also created a disgrace to the leadership of Uber Company (Leighton, 2016). The advertisements we glance at in a magazine do their job very well, and that is because they are [], We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Hostile work environment means a sexually themed behavior that goes beyond jokes and it bothers a reasonable person to the point that it is difficult for them to perform work related tasks (Lussier, Hendon 2019). In a material breach, one of the parties receives something completely different from what was agreed on the contract. Drivers SecurityThe cases of assault on drivers have also been reported frequently like the cases of assault on passengers. On ride sharing competition and accessibility: Evidence from Uber, lyft, and taxi. Ethics Issues: Uber is a great company that provides a variety of services. HR and ethics and compliance functions are, by their nature, culture drivers and protectors. Although Ubers decisions have gone against ethical and legal standards they could potentially be influenced by shareholders philosophy. Discovery Company. Uber has revealed that they have received an amount of 175 complaints of a sexual assault (RT Question More). Professional self-employment, new power and the sharing economy: Some cautionary tales from Uber. Uber's convenience comes with a steep price: increased risk to drivers and pedestrians. Ultimately whether in the form of debt or equity these sums will have to be paid back, and then some. Taxi regulation in the age of Uber. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. UBERs Ethical and Legal Issues. Uber's relation with drivers deteriorated following a decision to alter the company's revenue-sharing formulawith Uber taking as much as 30 percent of gross fare revenue (depending on driver volume), up from 20 percent previously. Eventually, this additional cost will be felt. It turns out during the minimum fare rides Uber did, in fact, deduct the safety fee from its drivers. Lyft is positioning itself as the ethical alternative to Uber. Dow Jones: The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S&P Opco, LLC and CNN. The first distribution center opened in 1975. By the response Susan Fowler got from her HR Department, and news articles I have read in the past regarding the #MeToo movement, I believe HR is not the police here. National Bureau of Economic Research. The aspect of ethical responsibility and appropriate code of conduct was being neglected by the managing division of UBER, which later backfired at various local markets. Their first years sales were $700,000. How CISOs handle the ethical issues around data breaches can make or break their careers. Over the past couple of years, one particular company has seen more than their share of scandals. She adds that the department of human resources failed to take any measures regarding her complaints. What began in 2009 as a luxury car service in San Francisco is now valued at $62.5 billion and operates across 71 . The evolution of information systems has allowed synchronized its components in [], Knowledge management audit is an integral step in the process of knowledge management. Retrieved from CBS News:, (2018, March 03). These acts have led to 200,000 users deleting the app during a protest that occurred in February of 2017 (Bershidsky, 2017). Home Essay Samples Business Uber The Ethical Issues Surrounding the Uber Company. Senior Research Fellow, University of Nottingham. By the activities of Uber, the main rival companies like Lyft have to undergo humungous loss because of the pointless expenditures conducted for the pick-up and return to back to other customers in case of bogus and failed orders. Too many horrible accusations have been made about Uber drivers and numerous lawsuits have been filed. Ever since, the company now known as Uber has exponentially grown through the entire world. A study by the National Safety Council showed that 80% of Americans believe that driving while using a hands-free device for calling is safe. Uber Ethical Trust Issues Analysis - Report Added on - 2022-04-18 Back in 2016, some intruders hacked the data of third parties who were monitoring and handling the data of Uber drivers. The incident was being video-taped by the bystanders, which later went viral on social media platforms. 16 students ordered this very topic and got original papers. Uber's main selling point -- that nearby drivers are notified immediately of your desire to get a ride -- is also its chief drawback, at least from a safety perspective. We have experts for any subject. By checking a mobile device in the car. 1632-1643). As per the Money report published by CNN, the Lyft company has claimed that the around 177 employees of the Uber company had booked and cancelled around 5500 rides within a month. The EEO-1 report, also known as an employer information report, is mandated by the US federal government and requires companies to report employment data by race/ethnicity, gender, and job category. Uber is a global company with services in over 70 countries, so for them it is extremely important to be diverse. While shops have used economies of scale to operate first nationally, then internationally, for over a century, taxi companies have remained highly localised. Uber's report astutely calls out two critical components to ensure that HR has the right ability to influence the organization: (1) confirming that human resources had the full and robust support of management, and (2) ensuring that the organization is . Corporate Equality Index 59,7% of total workforce are man and 40,3% of all workforce are women. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. Our local operations span across Australia, US, UK, South east Asia and the Middle East. 4. The Department of Human Resources told Fowler that her direct supervisor was a high performer and they wouldnt feel comfortable punishing him for what was probably an innocent mistake (Isaac, 2017). Previously, Ghaffary worked at BuzzFeed News, the San Francisco Chronicle, and TechCrunch. Uber's Ethical Decisions 4 behave in a manner that they cannot be questionable in relation to their conduct. One of the reasons for this is improper background . The 1964 Civil Rights Act (CRA) stands for anti-discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, and religion. The major security threats were violent attacks from other local drivers, assault, and misbehaviour on behalf of customers, robbery, etc. Retrieved from New York Times:, In, S. F. (2017, Mar 04). . Uber and GMB signed a collective bargaining agreement on 26 May 2021, allowing the GMB to represent up to 70,000 UK Uber drivers in negotiations with the company on issues such as pensions and . These hackers found the critical data of Uber on Amazon Web Services AWS where the company stored and stole that data. In our post-9/11 world, city governments have cameras in an increasing number of public places. Figuring that Ubers app explains its growth is like putting the birthday cakes appeal down to the candle on top. Recently, when a group I was with used Uber to summon a ride, I was impressed by how quickly a car appeared, and how easy the service is to use, since no money exchanges hands. Retrieved from, Hartmans, A., & McAlone, N. (2016, August 1). Where do you want us to send this sample? Furthermore, Title VII, the ADEA, and the ADA also make it illegal to pay someone less due to their sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, or disability (EEOC, n.d.). I can help you save hours on your homework. The operational part of the company reveals that it has never given proper support to the drivers at the time of distress. Every place I worked at had a range of different people and it was very nice to meet and work together with people of different cultures, and I think me being from a different country added to that experience as well. Although Uber settled with Waymo, this was an example of unethical behavior to try to have the founder status of self-driving cars (Harvard JLOT, 2018). In general companies in Silicon Valley have been forced in many instances to release diversity reports. (2017, Aug 31). Multitasking Drivers. The technique Uber used was called Greyball. Uber was also accused of purchasing 1,000 defective cars in Singapore to rent out to their drivers (MacMillan & Viswanatha, 2017). But if your main ethical worry has to do with the fortunes of your favourite restaurant, and the people it employs, then it's worth knowing that you're helping them more by ordering via Uber Eats and DoorDash than by not ordering. In a properly regulated market, in which Uber has to give its drivers appropriate employment protections, and passengers the safeguards they need, its goal of apparently aping Amazon becomes even harder. Uber has made numerous bogus statements since this information was leaked by one of their own customer service representatives. Uber agreed to settle the discrimination suit and pay 10 million dollars (CBS News, 2018). (n.d.). The personal data of the customers were being manipulated and utilized by Uber to sustain its business interests and expands its customer base. Utilitarianism was introduced in the 18th century. For those who missed the story, Buzzfeed reported that Michael had suggested "hiring a team of opposition researchers to dig up dirt on its critics in the media.". paper. Available from: Technology Policy Institute, 22, 1-21. Retrieved from JEC:, (2018, March 27). Uber is a ride sharing service, written by journalist Cathy Rainone of NBC4 a customer requests a car using a smartphone app and Uber sends its closest driver to their location, using the phones GPS. Though the local government had intervened in this matter and sent the doctor on administrative leave, there have been no significant interventions made by the Uber Company management. First, most of us recognize that the police force's policy is an attempt to protect the public from harm. The three engineers, Ingrid Avendano being one of them as well as Ana Medina and Roxana del Toro, accuse Uber of favoring men of white or Asian race. The website Whos Driving Who explains ubers process for onboarding drivers is dangerously negligent.and Uber doesnt even bother to meet with drivers in person before allowing them to ferry passengers. This is the part that outrages me. Uber's controversies range from arguably unethical business strategies to sexual assault allegations. Cancel via phone or email within 30 days for a full, no-questions-asked refund! Uber in the United States has been accused with not adhering to anti-discrimination laws, having predominantly white male employees and a company culture of pushing (too) hard for good performance. GradesFixer. She sued the company, claiming to be sexually harassed by a co-worker. (2020, Jan 20). The engineer complained to . But for this company specifically, the additional cost that is required to look after drivers and customers is likely to be too great. Their objective was to be the founders of the self-driving vehicle. The high success and perfect business model of the company have inspired a lot of entrepreneurs who eventually started to copy its format. This is a mistake. Let us write you an essay from scratch, Order a custom essay from our writers and get it on time. . Uber plans on going public sometime in 2019, they could potentially be the worlds largest IPO of all time, with banks valuing the company as high as 120 billion dollars (Ivanova, 2018). Glss, M., McGregor, M., & Brown, B. Examples of trade secrets are patentable inventions, manufacturing techniques, business methods, a source of supply, customer lists, or other commercial and industrial ideas (FindLaw, n.d.). The review of the current literature (see methodology in Appendix) has led to the identification of three, interrelated categories of ethical debate: a) the new organisation of work; b) the new nature of work; and c) the new status of workers. Students who find writing to be a difficult task. It is better to have people from different backgrounds look at the problem and come up with different solutions because of their different thinking. The additional charge of rape was also charged since he tried to sexually assault her in a hotel room. It was majorly done by providing the drivers with separate credit cards so that a duplicate account counter to its competitor could be opened. However, merely improving its PR will not get Uber out of the hole it has now dug for itself. Start your subscription - find out more One of the plaintiffs, Ms. Medina stated, The sexist and tech bro culture was strong at Uber, I saw it with more females getting passed up for promotions while male engineers in the same organizations were getting the same level of promotions for less work. The U.S. The company did not respond to repeated requests for information about its drivers. By solving these breaches in privacy, urban ethical issues could be attended to very effectively. Though there may raise the counter-argument that we are under constant surveillance by government bodies like the police, the moral difference in it being conducted by a private company should be understood. University of Nottingham provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation UK. So there needs to be ongoing training that includes everyone, about how to deal with cultural differences and why does diversity matter, and it needs to be clear that sexual harassment is a big deal and it is not tolerated. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Uber has not addressed this issue, as far as I can determine, but perhaps that's not surprising. Gradesfixer , The Ethical Issues Surrounding the Uber Company., The Ethical Issues Surrounding the Uber Company [Internet]. ETHICAL ISSUES. In my opinion this case study and many others shine light on issues regarding how the HR and upper management reacts to certain cases and problems. Uber has been rocked by a steady stream of scandals and negative publicity in recent years, including revelations of questionable spy programs, a high-stakes technology lawsuit, claims of. What has Uber done about this? Saadah, K., Yasmine, S. E., & Mubah, A. S. (2017). These are not difficult to address if they are dealt with honestly. An Uber Ethical Dilemma: Examining the Social Issues at Stake Florence Chee Loyola University Chicago, Author Manuscript This is a pre-publication author manuscript of the final, published article. Thousands of Uber drivers around the world plan to protest for better working conditions on Wednesday . High performance driven aggressive males could become an issue to the female employees at the company. It's perfectly reasonable to stand on principle, and some will say it's even ethically required. For many, Uber is a sure thing. Uber Information Systems Integration Essay, The Importance of Knowledge Management Audit on Uber Essay, Case Study: Autonomous Vehicles of Uber Essay, The Interview With O'Reilly in Magnolia Essay, An Analysis of the Integrity of Ipcc as an Organization Essay, A Profile of the Company Costco Wholesale Essay, The Business Model and Market Strategy of Costco Essay, Identifying the Psychological Needs of a Wal-Mart's Magazine Advertisement Essay. Several Uber drivers have been accused of sexually assaulting passengers, according to a recent report by Farhad Manjoo in The New York Times, among other sources. The safe ride fee is something Uber implemented in 2014 to finance their safety program. Fowler reported the incidents to human resources but was ignored. We have sent you an email with the required document. Uber has been accused of potentially violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and is undergoing investigation. That's a moral difference that matters. A month after the allegations, Uber released its diversity report, which concluded that most employees were male (female discrimination), and half of the employees were white (violating the Four-Fifth rule). Trade secrets are something not generally known. Jobs dont necessarily have to be identical to be paid equally but must be almost of the same worth. The open letter continues, "Making changes only at the corporate leadership level creates a dangerous likelihood that Uber's sustained ethics challenges will resurface.". Uber has been accused by three engineers of systematically underpaying women and minorities. Ethics made easy - comprehensive, simple to use, transparent and reliable ethical rankings. . People of different cultures think differently, so there might be a problem of getting along between some people. Uber's tracking device is merely a way to advance its business interests. Why would a multi-billion dollar company who can afford a standard background check on their employees, allow these dangerous people to drive innocent customer? Geuras, D. and Garofalo, C. (2002). NYUJ Legis. In addition, we discussed Milton Friedmans philosophy and how it potentially influences executives at Uber. According to research by the American Automobile Association's Foundation for Traffic Safety and the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, taking your eyes off the road is potentially deadly for drivers and others nearby. These are staggering amounts, and to make sense of them we need to understand that Ubers business model is the same as Amazons. When was the last time you heard of a registered cab driver doing that? Users can read menus, reviews and ratings, order, and pay for food from participating restaurants using an application on the iOS or Android platforms, or through a web browser ()Key features: Software, hardware, people and data those components will be analyzed further. Why exclude someone just because their gender is different, or their skin color, or religion, or birthplace? All content of the Dow Jones branded indices S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC 2019 and/or its affiliates. All times are ET. cent sure and w the three arities to the Uber Technologies, Inc. (Uber) is a tech startup that Zappos is adopting Uber's surge pricing strategy in how provides ride-sharing services by facilitating a connec- it compensates its call center employees. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. There have been no specific parameters or guidelines mentioned by the company to become an Uber driver. As of this writing, Kalanick has not publicly responded to the letter. Ubers hope must be that when it gets to this stage there will be no alternatives left to chose from. Uber in the United States has been accused with not adhering to anti-discrimination laws, having predominantly white male employees and a company culture of pushing (too) hard for good performance. Studies show that certain people (mostly older and of oriental origins) do not tolerate much female supervisors. Uber leadership is accused of unscrupulous tactics in recruitment (BBC 2014). You can find Ubers ethical position on its . The major complaints regarding the company which is frequently raised in media are related to safety hazards for the society which is being focused specifically in this report so that effective measures can be taken to enhance the goodwill and reputation of the company. Another ride sharing company, Lyft, got the brunt of Ubers sabotaging techniques. All subjectsAllied HealthCardiology & Cardiovascular MedicineDentistryEmergency Medicine & Critical CareEndocrinology & MetabolismEnvironmental ScienceGeneral MedicineGeriatricsInfectious DiseasesMedico-legalNeurologyNursingNutritionObstetrics & GynecologyOncologyOrthopaedics & Sports MedicineOtolaryngologyPalliative Medicine & Chronic 3/22/2021. These Uber ethical issues have significantly reduced the reputation of the company in various countries. Not a whole lot. There are always problems wherever people are involved. The letter's . 9/1 Pacific Highway, North Sydney, NSW, 2060, Corporate Finance Planning Assignment Help, Financial Statement Analysis Assignment Help, Activity-Based Accounting Assignment Help, (EUB020L007A) Management assignment on the benefits of adopting sustainable strategies as the CSR approaches in the fashion businesses, Strategic management assignmentanalysing the strategies and competiveness of Commonwealth Bank of Australia, (EMP6110) Environment management assignment for Bunbury outer ring WA to reduce environmental issues, Intrapreneurship assignment on how an intrapreneur can help to identify the innovations and help to build the company, (GDECE102) early childhood learning and teaching strategies assignment, (MBA401) Leadership assignment analysing the leadership of Melanie Perkins as an entrepreneur, Early Childhood Education Assignment on the role early childhood scaffolding has on language and literacy development, (MG628) International marketing management assignment identifying international market expansion strategy for Graze, Customer service assignment on the evaluation of a customer service experience, Leadership assignment on leader-member exchange theory of leadership in contemporary organisations, (ONL701) Emphasizing the environmental issues and concerns in this environment assignment, (MG629) Leadership and management assignment discussing the management of Theranos under the leadership style of Elizabeth Holmes, (INT101) Community service assignment on the work process of government and non-government organization, (MGMT8004) international business assignment analysing the Concept of Transaction Cost Economics (TCE), (SVY1500) Spatial science assignment for examination questions related to spatial science, (WRIT1 - Coursewor) Operations management assignment critically analysing issues faced by Dhofar Power Company, A Comprehensive Guide to Writing on synthesis essay topics, Distribution strategy at Nestle Corporation and transportation of Maggi noodles, Sustainable supply chain management assignmenton managing environmental issues in business, (SCI5110) Waste management assignment on how to reduce waste in One Tree Hill, Organization assignment understanding the business of Burberry by applying organizational theories, Supply chain management assignment on the challenges faced by Cincinnati Seasonings Company, Entrepreneurship assignment reviewing the entrepreneurial journey of Jeff Bezos, Management and leadership assignment analysing the management and leadership style of Elizabeth Holmes, Business strategy assignment determining business strategy of Unilever using Porters Generic Competitive Strategies framework. This essay was donated by a student and is likely to have been used and submitted before, Free samples may contain mistakes and not unique parts. In his comprehensive critique of Uber, transport expert Hubert Horan made a key observation about the taxi business, which separates it from retail. DOHA, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Uber Technologies Inc's Middle Eastern business Careem will cease operations in Qatar from Tuesday, the company said in a message sent to customers in the Gulf Arab state . Retrieved from FindLaw:, (n.d.). Hask-Kelchner, H. (2006). We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. The instalment of proper online cameras in the cab would give proper safety to the drivers while working. Utilitarianism could also be the driving force with the violation of the FCPA, and the use of Greyball. Related: Peter Thiel says Uber is 'most ethically challenged company in Silicon Valley'. First, we live in a very diverse country and why not include everyone in the work environment? Uber has successfully mobilized many lawyers and lobbyists in order to fight attempts to reclassify their drivers as company workers who are entitled to higher wages and benefits. Its growth to date has been so costly that even after the raft of regulations it has managed to sidestep, and measures forcing down the income of its drivers, it is losing billions every year. Uber has been a major success story, reaching a valuation of $50bn after just five years. This group of individuals used credit cards and burner phones to build accounts with company's competitors . From JEC: http: //, ( n.d. ethical issues with uber some desired behaviors identified Uber,... On in the form of debt or equity these sums will have be! On drivers have also been reported frequently like the cases of assault drivers! 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