Harry made another disgusted noise. With no hesitation, she knelt down and started massaging his legs and calves. ", Potter shook his head. "With ten seconds to spare," Harry said with a glance at Daphne's watch. Not all Slytherins are evil. If I remember correctly it was in the news quit recently. "Never mind," she laughed. The three teens in question shook their heads. As the challenged, Draco can name the method, but it's not likely that Draco will choose anything aside from magic. Harry answered with a laugh and a chucked pillow. Tracey answered softly, "We're going to become your chattel, remember? Hermione asked. Draco asked haughtily. ", Hermione nodded, satisfied with the answers. "According to Hogwarts: a History, it is strictly forbidden for students to duel Professors," Hermione replied before Harry had a chance to respond. pure-bloods.". Nothing is for certain, especially where the gods are concerned. "Hermione says that the two of you have something you want to A Harry Potter raised by the Delacour's and educated at Beauxbatons doesn't give a damn about Dumbledore or his Tri-Wizard tournament. financial and political side. You must log in or register to reply here. Harry focused on his friend. Coming down toward the visibly startled Draco, Harry pointed his wand. Harry asked. ", "Touch." ", "Move Miss Tracey Davis and Miss Daphne Grengrass's belongings from the Slytherin dorms to the Gryffindor Head Boy room.". Two Valentines 3. ", Harry's eyes clouded over. First, is this really what you two want?". Anal Play. Harrys eyes stung as he watched the love of his life suck off his childhood bully, but all the same, he couldnt tear his eyes away. "You are sure you can finish this without harming him?" "Original? "Not a thing," Harry replied with a shrug. He looked over his shoulder at the young woman and gave her a crooked smile. "Is this all really necessary?" "So, everyone suggests that we get to know each other," Tracey observed. Bye.". ", "Yep," Daphne cheerfully replied. Hermione asked. The Potter Coven 9. As the portrait swung open, Hermione continued, "Tracey and Daphne will be staying in the Head Boy rooms for a few nights. "I forbid it," Dumbledore shouted, nearly in a panic. She stepped away from her attacker and turned, not releasing her wand. "He cannot, Minerva," Dumbledore said with a twinkle as he regally seated himself behind the disused professor's desk. Lots of emotions. Ah, Please, please don't lose.". Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. "We're not going to harm you," a female voice whispered in a pacifying tone. Sick and tired of being beneath the legendary wizard, James begins breaking and enslaving many of the women in Harry's life. In the Heat of the Moment 8. him. on, but they will keep for a few days. "Speaking of that, how are you handling it all? Both girls laughed. And you did nothing about it? differently? "I'd like to think so, but I can see how you had to play it safe.". ." If you have things you want to do, you do them. "I had already informed the house-elves to have two of them prepared by the time the students returned from ", "Yeah, I know." SermonSubscription.com. Shadowrun is owned by: WizKids LLC I highly recommend you get to know your new ladies. Category:Harry Potter - Rating:NC-17 - Genres:Action/Adventure, Humor - Characters:Bellatrix, Harry, Narcissa - Published:2005-06-03 - Updated:2005-06-03 - 4782words, All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents. If needs be . Neville asked hesitantly. The small party makes their way to the Dursleys household. "Been sharing information already, Harry? Dumbledore asked reprovingly. The Head Suite had a small sitting area just behind the guardian portrait. Harry asked incredulously. "I'm here, Potter," Draco shouted as he came into the Great Hall. his connection to the Potters. Harry doesn't realize that *he's* the meal, but not even Fleur could have predicted just how far this would go. finish it, for which I'm grateful. Entertaining as that idea was, he admitted "Fidelis," Hermione said Dudley wants to comfort Harry. She expected you two to end up marrying. ", McGonagall transferred her disapproving look from to Harry to Dumbledore. After a cursory glance, the Slytherin girls ignored the two Gryffindors. Its been said that changing one thing in your life can change your entire life, so how would the life of James Potter and by extension Harry Potters lives have been different if James married Bellatrix Black instead of Lily Evens? he asked in defeat. I don't intend on ever going back. She turned toward the back of the room and to himself that he knew nothing of sword fighting. she asked, looking toward the door. I just need to know how much you already understand of the betrothal customs of the McGonagall's lip twitched. "For most of the Blacks, I agree with you, but Sirius was never a follower of that lunatic.". Well, you're going to get roasted for this. After being betrayed by those closed to him, Harry Potter seeks power to ensure justice for all, by any means necessary. He me to have an easier life.". Snape answered, "It is an unbreakable betrothal contract between Miss Davis to Mr. Crabbe and Miss Greengrass to Mr. Goyle. "Happy to be of service, my lord," Tracey quipped. "Unless . people try to reassemble their seriously disrupted lives. Strong hands clamped on And we'll need a second bed. Without waiting for Flitwick's signal to begin, Draco shouted, "Flamere!" The elf bowed and disappeared with another pop. Will Harry be able to handle being thrust into a foreign Veela society where he's seen as little more than a sex object? "Albus, what were you thinking?" The boy would need to show her the error of her ways with the help of a magical collar tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage. He did not, however, bother to open his eyes. "Actually, as long as we're clearing things up, my lord, we do need your permission. generation full-blood. McGonagall frowned heavily. "Looks like I win then," Harry said with a satisfied smile. "Yes, but it isn't as bad as it sounds. "When your parents saw the final terms, why'd they go along with it? This story is pretty much pure smut with a bit of plot within each chapter. ", Harry winced. "And he only does well there because Snape cooks his grades. Harry's in love with Draco. "I tried to tell my father about Draco, but well . tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. "What do you know about pure-blood marriage laws?" Harry buried his face into his hands as he realized what he had just said. ", "Which brings up another issue," McGonagall said thoughtfully. Harry found the four teens standing in the hall in an uncomfortable silence. A wizard known as James Michael has lived in Harry's shadow for years. . "Because it is required by the Code," Professor Flitwick said, trying to sound stern. "Damn, you're right," Daphne answered. . intends to use that status to his advantage; we intend to use it to ours. Just wait here, please.". ", "We don't think Granger would let you, even if you were so inclined," Tracy added with a weak smile. Unless his attitude changes, I'm not going to subject you to him any more than necessary.". "I don't mind the common room being in Gryffindor colors, but enough is enough. She raised a hand at Hermione's impending question. "Hermione, we've been best friends for over six years. Without a word to anyone, Harry turned and walked back to the group of nervous girls. sharply clapped her hands. Keep an open mind while reading this. My first inclination would be to have Harry set off the magical equivalent of a nuclear weapon at each and every pureblood home in Bulgaria. Dudley fucks Draco. This is a rewrite of my first story and is mostly the same as the original until, chapter twelve. Slavery != Harem. ", Ron's face took on a look of comprehension. Just because we're both in the same situation and are willing to marry Potter, that ", "To put it bluntly, we were hoping that you would help us convince Potter to challenge the goons to a duel. Ron stared after her. Daphne pulled the collar of his shirt back and peeked down his shirt. Daphne nodded her agreement. owner without too much fuss. Ron shrugged again, unconcerned. ", "I apologize, but the conversation I wish to have is quite urgent. ", "You. After that, they waited in silence for their savior to arrive. ", "You'll notice that Snape has already abandoned these two lovely ladies," Harry observed to nobody in particular. ", Hermione smiled slightly. "Unless you like that kind of thing.". "Do you two think you are safe for the next two nights in your dorms?". "Here you go, Professor. "I rather thought it might be," Tracey said in a dry tone that only a seventh-year Slytherin could produce. They want What do you think of him now, Minerva? We need some room." . "They can stay in the Ravenclaw Head Girl rooms," Flitwick offered. "Yes it was, and you know it if you would be honest with yourself," Tracey countered flatly. "What now?" Daphne, meanwhile, sat down behind Harry and started running her hands across his neck and shoulders. ago that the purebloods are inbreeding themselves into extinction.". ", Snape continued, undaunted, "Your Golden Boy has won them as chattel. strokes. "For the other who- I mean prize. "My lord, I know he is a friend of yours, but I beg of you not to force me to -", Harry held up a hand, stilling the girl instantly. Harry's expression darkened. Dudley didnt notice, oblivious as always to his plight, moaning softly as he came.". [R] [V] [X] [Y] - Published:2006-03-16 - Updated:2006-03-16 - 3936words, All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents. You've got nothing to worry about, just close your Tracey asked. ", "Think of it as an advance," Tracy agreed. I was spelling it 'Voldermort'. The white-grey walls stood out ominously against the dark black of the night. As well, Hogwarts has not received the tuition of Miss Greengrass nor Miss Davis. When he's reintroduced to the magical worlds, the story of the boy-who-lived means he's already attracted the interest of several titans. Harry Potter rotated his left arm as his right hand massaged his shoulder. one minute to get here," Harry said with Daphne's prompting. And if someone says the word Harem I'll tear my eyes out. A regular teenage boy was getting ready for his 6th year of Hogwarts. ", "His grades prove he's rubbish at anything but potions," Tracey agreed. Harry's was slightly hysterical, but nobody commented on that fact. "Let's get started then," Harry said as he stood and moved across from Malfoy. (takes place during their fourth year.) What do you want from me? Features different men (mostly Harry) and women in various situations. I know that, I'm just being random and contrary. and you're on his case about it? "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. The two girls continued to coax stories out of Harry for hours, slowly and haltingly getting a nearly unabridged version of his time in Hogwarts. "Well?" ", Neville looked at him, wide-eyed. They will have to be moved out of the dorms as well. He climbed out of the car then circled round to my side. "Yeah, I did, theyre nice girls, both of them. After growing tired, the spirit of Hogwarts called out to Lady Magic to help Harry find a new place in life, and when the names were picked for the Triwizard Tournament, Harry and some girls were sent to another world that was full of strange and beautiful animals. She is already registered as official property of yours, Master Potter-Black. Not being pure-blood lowers my family's ", She laughed. "I thought slavery was outlawed in Britain in 1807," Hermione said cautiously. "Can they appoint a champion?" Harry and Ron recognized her as Violet, the friend of the Fat Lady. They encouraged me to When canon kills your Suspension of Disbelief, but you still like (or at least, care what happens to) some or all of the characters, all you have left is fanon. ", Harry gave a short snort of laughter. Harry asked. Yes, human slavery was abolished in Magical Britain, in the seventeenth century incidentally, but a very . The words hung in the air for several long moments. Clearly annoyed at the ease of Harry's counter, Draco sent a spread of stunners around the shield and dark purple spears into and through the physical barrier. "True, just killing the two idiots would solve so many problems. return. She shrugged. Harry asked to distract himself from the grinning Slytherin facing him. "So what about you two? The three girls stopped, startled. ", Tracey added, "You already know how much tradition plays a part in our society. "I'll tell you anything you need to know. one of Rorschach's Blot's "Odd Ideas" "Sounds lonely," Harry observed, well accustomed to that emotion. Tell me about Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass. "May I have a moment of your time, Harry?" "Surely you don't want that?". In case it matters, we've been almost evenly split between Ravenclaws and Slytherin. "What? Daphne quietly sent a Hogwarts house-elf to the infirmary for a bruise cream as Tracey openly appraised the young man sitting bare-chested in front of her. Harry suggested, ignoring the verbal slip. "Okay, Mister Seer, you're right so far. "Fine. Dumbledore gave a slight shrug. "Yes, well, there are many other things to discuss: arrangements for transportation to and from the ceremony, where to live after graduation, and so . "Professor Snape insults my lord in I don't know how many ways and not a word from you, Headmaster. Tracey took over. But as tomorrow is the Yule Ball, and we all leave the castle the morning after that . ", Daphne glared at Ron. "With the caveat that Draco would not be either of our husbands," Tracy added firmly. any way.". "Oh, that's better. "My family has been pure-blooded for longer than the Malfoys but not as long as the Potters were before you, Harry." "My life is an open book. Someone we don't know might not, and it's Voldemort doesn't exist, the Potters lead a quiet life. He knew just how valuable Harry was to the Light. West Wing is owned by: Aaron Sorkin and NBC As alliances are forged, friendships broken and magic learnt, the distant war drums grow ever louder. "Good night, ladies. I mean, owning chattel? ", "Actually," Daphne cut in, "choosing the right student didn't take much time. She leaned over and whispered into his ear, "And remember: though you've humiliated Draco already, you haven't rescued me yet. ", "I knew of the betrothal contracts, yes.". Flitwick asked, pulling on his bottom lip as he thought. "Unless his attitude changes, I'm not going to be around him any more than necessary," Hermione growled. "Every bed is identical, Harry. Erotica. "From what we know he's not a berk - he'd treat us well. "Why not someone else? Daphne interrupted, "Granger, what would you be willing to do for anyone that could prevent you from becoming the communal toy of Draco, the goons, and Merlin knows who else?". "The loo is through that door. ", Tracey sat up straighter at Harry's flat tone and narrowed eyes. She is your personal slave. I challenge you two idiots to a duel with your betrothed as the spoils." I call it slavery under another name. Hermione nodded, mind moving quickly. "We're all waiting," Harry called, when Malfoy still refused to open his shirt. ", "He's right," Professor Flitwick spoke up. Work Search: she asked. A thief and an Auror meet. "But people will get injured if I don't do this, Headmaster. Part of the idea was that Bulgaria had massively barbaric laws that allowed slavery. chapters. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling Chapter 26: Patil As they were waiting for the sorting to begin, Ernie piped up and said: . The Blacks, I agree with you, '' Harry called, when Malfoy still refused to open shirt! Family 's ``, `` I forbid it, '' Professor Flitwick said, trying to sound stern Happy be. The common room being in Gryffindor colors, but they will keep for a few days they in. 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